View Full Version : Does anyone have a hassle renewing their CCW's?
Adam Helmer
10-26-2007, 02:44 PM
In some states, a CCW renewal is far from automatic as I am informed by friends in other states. Here in PA, just like NH, it is not a stressor event.
Are there any "horror stories" out there?
10-27-2007, 12:02 PM
The very first time we had to renew here in Florida the state asked that we submit new fingerprint records. Everyone raised a stink (fingerprints don't change) so the state backed-off. Now we only have to submit new photos. The system is now working like a well oiled machine.
10-28-2007, 09:21 AM
Hey Adam
Being from Massachusetts what do you think I would say..........
Adam Helmer
10-28-2007, 11:31 AM
I have been there and done that.
I recall one police department in MA would ONLY do fingerprint cards on Tuesdays between 2:00-3:00 p.m. The problem was ONLY detective "Smith" did permit prints and he was USUALLY, "At court, on vacation or at training out of the area." Applicants went weekly for many weeks to get their prints taken for their permits.
Has anything changed?
11-01-2007, 11:29 AM
a lot. Now anybody, even for a long gun permit has to attend a course. Separate permit for a Class B which is transportation to range and hunting and a non high capicity magizine then there is the Class A(high cap mags and CCW). What a hassle.Had one for over 35 years and still get jerked aroung every time. Usually just say go ahead and rejcet my application. they have no real reason to reject me and they just try. Our cheif is scared of legal action so I end up getting it. Just gotta threaten softly.
An yes they are the most uncoopertive SOB's I have ever met.
Adam Helmer
11-01-2007, 02:15 PM
Many thanks for the MA update. I worked out of our Boston office for 26 years and resided in Salem, NH. Being an agent, my (non-resident) permit process was easy compared to others in my gun club.
By the way, none of the armed bad guys I arrested ever had a MA permit or FID Card BECAUSE they had a record as long as your arm, and could not qualify for a permit. I often mentioned that to MA politicians and locals and they just did not "Get It!"
11-19-2007, 06:03 PM
I'll let you know next June, when its time to renew mine. :p
02-24-2008, 10:35 PM
Missouri just passed concealed carry 3 years ago. Permits last 3 years. Got my renewal notice and had 90 days to renew or you have to retake the class ($75-$150), then go though for a new permit. Went to the sherrifs office (permit renewal 2 days a week for 4 hours each day), paid $50 and had one week to get my drivers license updated ($17). Good to go for 3 more years. Simple enough and worth every penny.
03-04-2008, 04:35 PM
Here in MN every 5 years you have to retake Handgun Self-Defense Course. I've been through the course 3 times. This year will be the 4th time I've taken the course. It runs two nights a week, two hours a night, for 3 weeks. It's the same stuff I've been through the past 3 times.
You would think it would be more like the defensive driving course where after the first time you take it, you only have to take a shortened refresher course.
03-05-2008, 07:16 AM
Being from Wisconsin, what's a concealed carry permit? Retired LE Officer (State) and can not get one even under the Federal Law covering retired officers. Carry a cell phone so I can call 911.
05-28-2008, 03:44 AM
Washington state is a "must issue" state. If you have no felonies and no violent crimes in your past they have to issue you a permit. Once the permit is issued it can only be taken if you commit a violent crime or felony.
If they don't issue to someone who is legally acceptable then the issuer can be sued for civil rights violation and criminally prosecuted.
I just renewed mine again and had no problems at all.
Kitchen Measures (
06-02-2008, 10:06 PM
I live in TN and have been waiting eight weeks for my renewal. They said that I had to have another back ground check and it "takes time". I don’t know what they are up to but I don’t trust they and my permit has expired.
Old Scout
06-03-2008, 05:42 PM
Here in CA I have to renew every 2 years. Costs about $80-90, takes about 2 weeks, and I have to attend a 4 hour class.
Been toting for about 50 years and have had no difficulty to date.
Old Scout
06-03-2008, 10:42 PM
Here in TN we renew through the driver license office. In the past I have found the these people that have so much control over our lives don't know much at all about their jobs.
When my wife and I did the renewal papers we were told that we could NOT carry after the permits expired. These people are part of the state police (not LEO though) and yet they give out wrong information, at least to me and my wife, many times about many different thing.
Today I take time to go by and try to find out when I will hear something. I was told they could not help me with that info and was given a number to call. The nice lady on the other end of the phone got my info and said they had my info since 3/25/08 and they hoped to be caught up soon. Then she tells me I CAN still carry, I just need to keep my copy of the renewal app with me.
I sure miss living in Alabama. You just go in, pay your $10.00 and leave with new permit.
06-15-2008, 07:45 PM
I live in Pa i do not have any hassle renewing my ccw may be there is a problem with your sheriff or your police dept
06-16-2008, 01:23 AM
It really depends on your location. some states are must issue, some are shall issue, others are may issue. WA. is a MUST issue state. The issueing agent has no say in the issue of the permit unless there is a violent crime on the books, legally adjudicated drug,acohol adiction or mental defect adudication.
Here in WA. if there is no criminal or judicial reason and they don't issue the state allows for the person to sue for civil rights violation. Permits are quick and easy to obtain.
07-07-2008, 10:48 AM
with the election of a new sheriff in my county Luzerne no more problems fill out the forms and bingo , it also is nice here in wilkes-barre because our police chief is an avid hunter and firearms owner much to the dismay of our resident jerk the mayor
07-31-2008, 01:20 PM
Yea, like others have said, depends on your location. In Colorado it depends on your sheriff. I'm lucky, live in a county where the sheriff is very supportive. Only renew every 5 years and no hassle.
08-04-2008, 09:54 PM
Four months waiting now. Called office again only to be told they are "running about THREE months behind". Something wrong with this math.
08-05-2008, 02:55 PM
Well, last time I did mine was probably the last time. It was shortly after Indiana adopted the lifetime permit system...
I think renewing as a lifetime took between 22 and 4 weeks for the State to process the app and return it to me. No hassles, no worries...
08-06-2008, 01:36 PM
South Dakota
Maybe it is because it is such a rural state. Most people in the county know the sherif - except Sioux Falls perhaps.
No problem what so ever.
08-20-2008, 10:18 PM
Time you guys get your state reps involved in finding the answers you why the run around...I remember not too many years ago here in Pa, when there was a gun show the instant check system would happen to go down for the weekend...well this went on to the point a petition was passed and many of us demanded answers as to why.....IBC is conducted by the state police I hear in pa and they found an anti working in the office...oh...and they would happen to bump the switch for the computer on way out door....has been ....get petition and gather gunshops, sport stores and demand answers to why the
also..I need to find out how to install my spell check again for HC posting.....lost it somewhere....tks in advance.
09-05-2008, 11:46 PM
Finally got permit in the mail. Turns out that Tennessee has a time limit for issuing a new permit, but no time limit for getting your renewal back to you. I guess I will renew 5 months early next time. 148 day wait period, what a joke.
09-06-2008, 10:09 AM
I just read all these post and I gotta tell ya, some of them are this how some states want to take your guns from you? Slowly, methodically ...blame it on computer glitches? Make it too expensive? As most of you know I recently recieved mine and its good for 5 years so I havent had the (pleasure) of going thru a renewal process yet, but I got a little worried after these post...oh and put Obama on top of I am terrified..:eek:
09-26-2008, 12:05 PM
In Texas your first application requires 16 hours of classroom schooling on the penal code. Then you must qualify your proficiency with a handgun with 50 rounds fired in verious sequinces at three distances. The finger prints are done for both FBI, and the state of Texas, along with passport type pictures. This permit is issued as SA which lets you carry any type handgun you choose, or NSA , which restricts you to a revolver, or single shot! With either code, you may carry as many handguns as you choose. IOW, you may carry more than one handgun at any time, as long as they are the type you are authorized to carry, simi-auto, or no simi-auto.
The renewal is every four years, and this requires re-finger printing, and 8 hours of class room instruction on the penal code changes, and again qualify with your handgun.
Texas is a MUST ISSUE permit, and is issued by the state, not a damn local police department. The fingerprinting is done by the instructor at your class. The instructors are licensed by the state
I assure you, if there is anything in your background that even looks like a felony, you will not get a permit in Texas! There is a backgorund done by the state, and the feds as well. The background check is more extensive that the one for the people who guard the president of the USA. In this state, the check for the CHL is the only time jouvenile record that has been sealed can be opened by the law infrocement body, and in this case it is the TDPS ( Texas department of public safety) State police .
Because of this extensive background check, the Texas CHL is honored in over 20 states, some of which are not honored by Texas, because there is not enough oversight, or the license is issued by a local gov, and not the state!
I don't have any problem renewing a CCL, because there is no renewal procedure in NY State. Once you have the permit, it's permanent.
That's the good news. The bad news is that NY State is not a must issue state. The Pistol Permit system is administered by county, and criteria can vary by county- it depends on the judges in the county.
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