View Full Version : Mouflan Ram

10-27-2007, 08:47 AM
Mouflon Ram, hunted in Czech Republic, State Forest. Saw a lot of them, terrain is quite hilly and rocky, which they require for their hooves to wear. Watched three Rams running and fighting, banging horns, had a nice hunt, the one I shot was a mature 4 year old, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

Rifle: Blaser BD 880, .30-06
Reload, Bullet 180gr Swift A-Frame
Scope: Swarovski, 3-12x50, Illuminated Dot

European mouflon (O. musimon or O. ammon) have been successfully introduced into central Europe, including Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Bulgaria, and Romania, and even in some northern European countries such as Finland.

Type of Terrain

Mouflon Widder


10-27-2007, 03:42 PM
cool about the only place to hunt them here is hi fence and i dont know of any other place.
was ther any othere game seen while hunting them by the pick it could be eastern kentucky

10-28-2007, 08:24 AM
Most Mouflon if not all in the states are mixed breed also, not purebred. I also saw a Sike doe, and there were some wild boar that got wind of us and tore outa there, never got to see them, they were in a thicket behind us. Man I wish they'd have come out from another angle, they can get pretty big. That was my fourth time hunting in the Czech, nice people, great terrain, good food, and the original Budwar, not that colored water called Budweiser!!