11-04-2007, 08:23 PM
What a crazy birdhunt today. Hunted a few fields and not many birds. Winds were about 30 MPH. The couple we put up we missed. Decided to try one more field. By now a 30 MPH wind would have felt like a light breeze. Had to give up on wearing my hat. A chin strap is what I needed. Shortly into the field my lab pup started putting up birds. Wouldn't ya know it. They were mostly all roosters, getting up 2 and 3 at a time. It was all one could do to get one shot off before it was way to far out of range and these were getting up 15 to 20 feet away. I'm not really sure how many birds I missed, I know it was alot, because I nearly ran out of shells. After all that shooting, I finally knocked down three in a row and got my limit. We hunt in wind most of the time, but this day was exceptionally windy. I'd guess maybe 60 MPH. It was just unbelievable how fast those birds were gone. Man was it fun though, and my pup, she did excellent.-tr