View Full Version : Cougar question

11-10-2007, 06:50 PM
My aunt has a problem. A cougar/puma/mountain lion/Felis Concolor has been lurking around her farm and she wants me to shoot it because the only weapons she has are a pellet gun a pitchfork and a bunch of kitchen knives. The only weapons I have are a .243WIN a.22lr and a 12 gauge pump action. I wanna use the .243 but what do I use for bait and calls. I think they like their food live. P.S. if you guys/gals don't have any info I suppose I could stand in her field, pour some blood scented cologne on myself, and yell, ''Here kitty kitty kitty'' LOL!

11-10-2007, 07:05 PM
Tell ya what. You go ahead and try bait and calls and whatever. I can tell ya i doubt if you keep doing that for a couple of years that you will ever see that kitty kitty kitty. They are VERY secretive and are seldonm seen. Have one that lives in the area behind my place and the only thing I have seen in a couple of years is tracks. Chasing them with dogs will get a little action though.

Dan Morris
11-10-2007, 07:07 PM
.243 will do nicely. I'd just try to get some out of date meat from a butcher or grocery store, find where you want to stand and
place it. Watch it early in morning.I'm no expert...never baited one.... I'm sure someone will have a better idea.

Mil Dot
11-11-2007, 09:30 AM
Like Dan said , I'm not an expert on MLions.

Only problem I see with baiting is that yotes come in fast, then bobcats / lynx then mountain lions. This may be an incorrect view but the lions being an apex predator and capable of eating fresh on a regular basis you may have trouble baiting them in unless there's a shortage of game (wild or domestic) in your area.

Good luck/hunting.

Mil Dot

11-11-2007, 09:41 AM
Mini.. the biggest problem that you have that it is ILLEGAL to shoot a cougar in Saskatchewan, unless you catch it in the act of killing livestock, or danger to lives.

Your best bet would be to call SERM and talk to an officer there to see what can be done.

Dan Morris
11-11-2007, 01:00 PM
Originally posted by toxic111
Mini.. the biggest problem that you have that it is ILLEGAL to shoot a cougar in Saskatchewan, unless you catch it in the act of killing livestock, or danger to lives.

Your best bet would be to call SERM and talk to an officer there to see what can be done.

Now THAT presents a whole different problem! I'd follow Toxix111's advise.

11-11-2007, 03:03 PM
Toxic111, is it still illegal if the cougar has been found hiding 15 yards behind thier house or when newborn calves dissapear into thin air?

11-11-2007, 06:11 PM
Yep, unfor it would still be.. If and only IF you catch the animal making the kill can you shoot it.

If there are calves going missing, and you have seen the animal that close to the house, bring SERM in. They will take care of it.

I do know that the cougar is making a come back to several areas of SK, and was re-introduced to others to try and control the exploding deer herds. I also know that soe people disagreed with this, I see it as a necessary evil, as there are just not enough hunters in SK anymore to help with things.

Just be safe, call SERM, and hopefully that will solve the problem, or at least be able to discuss your options on how to deal with it.

11-12-2007, 05:55 PM
Thanks guys. Hey toxic what does SERM stand for and how can I get a hold of them?

11-12-2007, 09:04 PM
Mini - SERM is "Saskatchewan Environment & Resource Management"

You can try this link (http://www.environment.gov.sk.ca/Default.aspx?DN=e00dfebd-b604-4bfa-ad57-d45ad5d47b1f) to find out where the offices are. If not download the Hunters & Trappers Guide, it has the numbers you need.

11-13-2007, 09:43 PM
Does the same rule apply to wolves too?

11-14-2007, 08:56 AM
Mini, take a look at the hunting regs for SK.. I don't have them handy, but if you pick them up you might understand them better.