View Full Version : Whats your bedside handgun?

11-16-2007, 12:22 AM
just for conversation what do you keep near your bed i keep a charter arms bulldog 44 special with 2 hks speed loaders with it with gold dot hollow points it gets me my closet where my rem 870 is.

11-16-2007, 01:16 AM
1911 in 45 ACP and a Surefire Flashlight

Dan Morris
11-16-2007, 05:10 AM
I kinda alternate between a 1911 and my old Highway Patrolman in .357. Depents on which one was placed on shelf in closet.
BTW, Jon707...welcome to Hunt Chat!

11-16-2007, 07:03 AM
Springfield XD-40 next to the bed and a Mossy next to the bedroom door

11-16-2007, 08:45 AM
I keep a 45 auto for my bedroom gun and a good ol 590 Mossyberg for a shotgun. Ain't a purty gun but that ol shotgun is formidable and better than any handgun. But I really like my 45's:D :eek:

11-16-2007, 08:56 AM
My first line of defense is a pit-bull cross named Buddy, who sleeps at the foot of my bed (though frankly my wife may be meaner). Next is a single-shot Super Comanche handgun with a load of 410 buckshot. While neither may kill an intruder, he'll sure wish he had never come knocking!

11-16-2007, 12:43 PM
Snub nose Model 19 in .357 magnum and a Winchester Model 1897 pump in the corner.

Adam Helmer
11-16-2007, 01:00 PM

Very good thread!

I keep a 1911 on the nightstand and a 12 gauge turkey gun in the corner stoked with 4Buck. I whacked 3 skunks so far this month by the front yard bird feeder with the 12. I live in a very rural area and calling 911 is not a viable option for skunks or home invaders, not that there is much difference.

Be well.


11-16-2007, 03:36 PM
I keep a Beretta 40 cal model 96 next to the bed.

Skinny Shooter
11-16-2007, 08:14 PM
Adam and Skeet think like me. :eek:
My 870 has a reddot and extended mag.
I also alternate a Springy XD45 Service model (nice gun!) with the 1911 gov't.
But then I might have the S&W 686Plus snubbie
Or the AR with reddot and 20rnd mag
or... ;)
A Surefire flashlight is under my pillow.
Keeps me from trampling the critters that scatter when the pager goes off for a late night emergency call. :D

11-16-2007, 09:03 PM
A blued Smith & Wesson Model 10 (M&P) 4" loaded with .38 Special 158 grain LSWCHP. Its pretty similar to the older police standard model.

11-16-2007, 09:51 PM
Romanian model 74 (.32acp) in headboard of bed with spare mag loaded with magtech's HP's, Taurus .357 mag revolver-158 gr semi-jacketed softpoints in nightstand, mossberg 500 in closet loaded alternating with duplex ammo BB's/#4's and bri sabotslugs

If i need more than that at a moments notice, we are all in _deep kimche_ :P

11-17-2007, 05:31 AM
1911 and 2 loaded magazines.

02-28-2008, 06:36 PM
XD 40 and a .38 snubbie by my wife.


02-29-2008, 04:38 AM
My fist ! But when I lived in a trailer court in Topeka KS. years back it was a S&W 357.

02-29-2008, 08:16 AM
On my side of the bed is a Ruger GP 100 6" with a full barrel shroud (357 mag for those that dont know) using 158 gr magtech semijacketed soft points and a marlin 336 30-30 sporting 170gr corelokts. On my wifes side is a 1875 outlaw in 357 with a 9" barrel and a mossberg 500a 12 gauge persuader with a cylinder choke.

Close at hand is a 5.5" blued ruger blackhawk in 45 LC, and a H&R single shot 20 gauge with a modified choke.

Many is the time I have had to grab a gun in the middle of the night and kill something be it coyote, possum, wild dog, wild hog, coon, skunk, etc. Usually I don't know what it is until I get outside so I like to be ready for it. We have various other guns in the house locked up, and the others are locked up when we are not at home.


Adam Helmer
02-29-2008, 03:15 PM

Here in the boonies of northcentral PA, I have also responded to critters in the yard at midnight. I have a Mossberg 500A turkey gun behind the bedroom door with an elastic shell holder on the stock. I have three high brass #6, a #4 Buck and a slug in the shell holder. I also have a 1911, but the 12 gauge has been enough gun, so far.


02-29-2008, 11:31 PM
:) I keep a S&W Model 60-10 loaded with 158 gr. solids close when I sleep. Hope I never have to use it. My hearing is bad enough. They'll know they are in deep do-do if they can see my ear plugs sticking out of my ears.

03-01-2008, 09:05 AM

If anybody ever needs all the fire power you have in your bedroom in a moments notice, they are in deep kimche. If you need more, its called a war.

Me, I just have a HK USP Compact in 9mm with 3 extra mags loaded for it. The one in the gun and 2 other mags have hollow points, the name of the hollow points doesn't come to mind right now. The other mag has fmj's in it.

After reading this thread and having a dream the other night about 5 gang bangers breaking into my house wearing body armor, I feel like I am under gunned. I'm thinking about getting an AR-10 for the bedroom, but that will be kind of tough with little kids around. Same goes for a shotgun with slugs loaded in it.

03-03-2008, 08:28 AM
Yep I wouldn't have such a variety lyin about if it weren't for where I live. It's mighty hard to convince a 300lb feral hog you don't want him killin yer dog at 2 am with buckshot, and its a shame to use a 30-30 to kill a possum in a chicken pen in the middle of the night. So variety is the spice of life. Nothing will raise your hackles like bein woke up at 3 am by a dozen or more coyotes howling less than 10 feet from your bedroom window. When it happens you appreciate variety and extra ammo ALOT.


03-03-2008, 08:21 PM
First and foremost, I appreciate the walls separating me from the dozen+ coyotes. LOL

Andy L
03-04-2008, 07:24 AM
When I get ready for bed, I lay my everyday carry gun, Taurus PT 145, loaded with 11 rounds of 230gr Speer Gold Dots, on the nightstand. Taking it on and off is just part of dressing and undressing.

I also have my Rem 870 "Riot Gun" I use for work hidden close by with 7 rounds of #4 Buck. And, I have a Glock 17, loaded with 17 rounds of 115gr Hydro Shocks hidden nearby. And my wife has her 32 on her side of the bed.

BTW, my wife and mother just got their CCW this past week. Im proud of them and they both have new carry guns coming soon as gifts. :cool:

03-04-2008, 09:43 AM
That was my feeling the time it happened Fabs, until I heard the mass screech of horror from the chicken pen. Then I hopped up grabed jeans and a shotgun and headed out. Got two grazed several that ran off leaving VERY clear blood trails with three shots. Last one hen in the melee and I am not sure she wasn't already toast when I got out there. I am surprised thats all I lost, if it wasn't for the chicken wire they were trying to squeeze under I probably would have lost ALOT more of them.

Thats when the 30-30 took up residence beside the bed. Talk about making the hair stand up on end. That was last year when people in my area were (and still are) loosing ALOT of calves.


03-04-2008, 11:51 AM
taurus pt945b , in 45acp, loaded with 230grain remimgton golden saber hollowpoints, 2 clips, under the bed a 870 remington 20 guage loaded

03-04-2008, 01:26 PM
Surefire G2, Officers 45ACP and a spare mag. I don't care about collateral damage, spackle and sheet rock are cheap.

Servicemaster can clean up the blood and guts.

Best wishes, Bill

Bret Andrysiak
07-06-2008, 05:07 PM
First line of defense is the wife she can be one mean B*#CH when you wake her. Second is the dog 174 pound great dane he pops volleyballs third is the ruger .44 or the 870. but really anyone who gets a look at me naked isnt going to be a threat they will be laughin to hard.

I see lots of guys talk about lights remember a scumbag with a gun will aim at the light so always hold your light out to your side at arms length.

07-08-2008, 02:47 AM
My "bedside" gun is the one I choose for home defense.
A Mossberg 12 ga. ATP8. It has power to kill at any in home shooting distance and will not go through the outside walls of two homes. That way I don't have to worry about the neighbors when I have to use it. Loaded with 1 3/8 oz #9 at 1300 fps.
Chrysler hemi-6 engine (http://www.dodge-wiki.com/wiki/Chrysler_Hemi-6_Engine)

10-29-2008, 03:09 PM
Mag's for home defense, BAD. Fire one shot and it's like a flash bulb in your face. 380 GOOD, not much flash. Shot gun BEST.

12-23-2008, 12:44 PM
I have two houses, the city house and the farm. The city house has a Keltec 380 under the pillow with gold dots and on the night stand a 45ACP long slide with 252gr hard cast 45 Auto Rim SWC bullets. My pin gun and loads. Now the farm sees the 66 four inch by the bed and the SS Mini 14 with red dot in the corner. I also have the Keltec under the pillow.

12-23-2008, 12:52 PM
one brittany spaniel who doesn't like to be rudely awakened and a cocker/golden retriever who hates being woke up at all get through them then worry about the owners, mywife is nasty if she gets woke up in the middle of the nite and everyone knows nothing worse than a woman scorned, burglars and hoodlums beware you have been warned

01-08-2009, 08:16 PM
I'm a light sleeper but...the bad guys would most likely meet Ace and Black Dog first. A Colt 10mm Delta Elite next to my pillow

and an 870 Express Magnum in the closet mean that I sleep well.

Rabid Rich
01-08-2009, 08:39 PM
I R ah Redneck I reckon cause,
I bull-eve in havin a shootin riggin in each room of the house. (Wish I had more rooms too for that matter) Anyway, as for the sleepin area, I have a Ruger Security Six .357 loaded with three "grape shot" loads and three solids along with speed loaders next to the bed with a double row "Planter" sawed off (legal) 20 gauge just under the edge of the bed with a loaded buttstock shell holder.
Paranoid? Nope, jest careful. Cain't never tell when someone might need "directions" in the middle of the night..........even in these parts!!!!

01-09-2009, 07:14 AM
Old Colt LW Commander 45acp in condition one.

02-06-2009, 11:12 AM
I keep a S&W 686 357 magnum in the night stand upstairs and downstairs I keep a Springfield Armory XD-45 both I feel are quite adequate to do the job!
;) Shoot straight be safe!

Brother Rockeye
02-23-2009, 07:05 PM
we're not allowed to defend our lives and property here in Canada...legally...unless folks have time to access their secure ammo storage and secure firearm storage they're sol.
Some clown dreamed up the notion that irons are just for hunting and target practice and shouldn't be at hand in case your life is in danger. :(

02-24-2009, 08:20 AM
Right now our area looks like little Onterio, cars with Onterio plates everywhere. We have two hour waits to see your doctor even with an apointment, cause the participants of socialized medicine are here getting treated. They have been on a list in Canada for months or years. All in all, snow / ice, no rights to defend, medicine, just to name a few, it is a good reason to be "from" Canada.

03-01-2009, 01:01 PM
Tricked out M-4 with 30 round magazine & laser sight's and outher extra goodies and that is after you get past the hound's.... I dont dial 9-11 for police or ambulance for at least an hour while the dog's play a while .....

Gil Martin
03-01-2009, 04:47 PM
I have a 1911A1 loaded with hard cast .45 ACP lead bullets and a Smith & Wesson Model 60 also loaded with hard cast bullets. There is a 12 gauge 870 in the corner. All the best...

03-02-2009, 08:16 PM
Dan Wesson model 15 357 Magnum

03-04-2009, 01:30 PM
I keep a H&K USP 40 cal. handy.

03-05-2009, 04:45 PM
Bedside gun is not a handgun, but a Bushmaster AR.

03-14-2009, 01:24 AM
Tauras 357 mag 6" barrel, stainless.

04-16-2009, 08:13 PM
Suprised no one mentioned the new Taurus Judge? Suppose to be a great home defense weapon. And i have a question for all of you that have rifles or shotguns with heavy buck or slugs loaded in you guns. Are yall not just a litte concerned that those bullets can go through serveral walls before stopping? (believe me GOB i know if your going outside to shoot four legged critters its a different story) A shotgun loaded with birdshot in the distance of most houses will still cut a large hole and doesn't just blow through walls quite as bad as a rifle or slug.

Great thread btw

04-16-2009, 10:19 PM

Here's some interesting reading for you.


Choosing a bullet because of relatively shallow penetration will seriously compromise weapon effectiveness, and needlessly endanger the lives of the law enforcement officers using it. No law enforcement officer has lost his life because a bullet over penetrated his adversary, and virtually none have ever been sued for hitting an innocent bystander through an adversary. On the other hand, tragically large numbers of officers have been killed because their bullets did not penetrate deeply enoughPhysiologically, no caliber or bullet is certain to incapacitate any individual unless the brain is hit. Psychologically, some individuals can be incapacitated by minor or small caliber wounds. Those individuals who are stimulated by fear, adrenaline, drugs, alcohol, and/or sheer will and survival determination may not be incapacitated even if mortally wounded.

The will to survive and to fight despite horrific damage to the body is commonplace on the battlefield, and on the street. Barring a hit to the brain, the only way to force incapacitation is to cause sufficient blood loss that the subject can no longer function, and that takes time. Even if the heart is instantly destroyed, there is sufficient oxygen in the brain to support full and complete voluntary action for 10-15 seconds.

Kinetic energy does not wound. Temporary cavity does not wound. The much discussed "shock" of bullet impact is a fable and "knock down" power is a myth. The critical element is penetration. The bullet must pass through the large, blood bearing organs and be of sufficient diameter to promote rapid bleeding. Penetration less than 12 inches is too little, and, in the words of two of the participants in the 1987 Wound Ballistics Workshop, "too little penetration will get you killed." 42,43 Given desirable and reliable penetration, the only way to increase bullet effectiveness is to increase the severity of the wound by increasing the size of hole made by the bullet. Any bullet which will not penetrate through vital organs from less than optimal angles is not acceptable. Of those that will penetrate, the edge is always with the bigger bullet.44