View Full Version : Hodgdon 2008 Annual Manual coming!

Rocky Raab
11-19-2007, 05:52 PM
Hodgdon will issue their next Annual Manual in January. It will have 5000+ loads, including data for several new cartridges and three new powders. Cover price is $7.99 - cheap!


11-20-2007, 04:36 AM
I have 3 or so of their loading manuals. I was a little bummed when I saw they dropped the 284 win from their 2007 book. I have data for it from all over but it's the idea of pushing it into the grave. It's my current favorite next to my 308's.

Mr. 16 gauge
11-20-2007, 03:35 PM
I saw other Hodgdon reloading manuals on the bookshelf years ago....refused to buy it then and refuse to buy it now. Reason? They still list data for the WAA16 wad that has been discontinued for at least 10 years. There ARE other 16 gauge wads out there, Hodgdon.....how about some up to date data instead of just rehashing the same old loads?

11-20-2007, 07:17 PM
I know that it cost them money to work up the data and to print the manuals, but they have to work up the data or no one would buy their powders. That plus there are guys like Mr. 16 that are, well not real happy with them. I just think that they would be smart to put it on line and let people down load it free. With the cost of manuals they `re not makeing anything on them anyway. Wander if there will be any Wildcat data. :rolleyes:

11-20-2007, 11:24 PM
If you take a careful look at almost any reloading manual, you'll find loads for some calibers that are just reprints from the previous version.
I can't single out Hodgdon- they all do it.
Case in point: a discontinued round like a 222 Remington Magnum, 284 Winchester, etc. Check the loading data in any manual, then check the previous version of the same manual. And the previous version. No new data, just the old stuff reprinted.
From the manual author's point of view, it's not worth all the work to try new powders and bullets for cartridges that don't get that much use any more.
If you happen to have one of those discontinued cartridges, and want to try a new powder, you're likely out of luck.