View Full Version : Back to the bench for the 270

11-20-2007, 10:07 AM
Well I have the 3x9 Leupold Vari-X IIc mounted on my old Reminton model 700 BDL 270 winchester. And I have the bipod mounted on the front swivel stud. AND I have an itch to shoot. SO I am thinking about reloading for this little gem again (even though I have not sighted it in yet) But here is my problem.

270 Cal. 130 Gr. Spitzer Ballistic Tip
Ballistics B.C. .433
S.D. .242
OAL: 1.220"

270 Cal. 140 Gr. Spitzer Ballistic Tip
Ballistics B.C. .456
S.D. .261

270 Cal. 150 Gr. Spitzer Ballistic Tip
Ballistics B.C. .496
S.D. .279
OAL: 1.350"

270 Cal 130gr Spitzer AccuBond
Ballistics B.C. .435
S.D. .242
OAL. 1.245"

270 cal. 140gr Spitzer AccuBond
Ballistics B.C. .496
S.D. .261
OAL: 1.310"

I am LEANING towards the 140grain accubond, but I need opinions here. My 270 shoots factory 130gr corelokts into some pretty decent groups (or did before my old scope decided to give up on me.) However I am looking for a load that is a "toolbox" load. You know has a little something for everything? I was thinking the other day. I am wanting to get more predator hunting in, I already hunt whitetail, mule deer, and hog, and there is an off chance that someday get to go throw lead at an elk. By far I will be shooting at more whitetail and perhaps hog than anything else. SOOOOOOO opinions PLEASE?

Thanks in advance (Yeah I know I asked about this a few years back)


11-20-2007, 11:45 AM
If you are looking to load for 'one load for everything' the 140 Accubond is prob the best bet. Should work great on elk & bear, and still be good for deer. It will be a bit much for coyotes.. but that depends on if you want the fur or not.

Dan Morris
11-20-2007, 11:54 AM
I consistantly get 5/8 groups from my M70 with 140 Sierra HPBT.

Adam Helmer
11-20-2007, 11:59 AM

My accuracy loads in my .270 are various 140 grain bullets. I got my last buck with a 140 grain Hornady handload.


11-20-2007, 07:25 PM
If your going to use 1 load for every thing you have to go with the load that is best for the biggest thing your going after. That is not a good deal here in Oh. if I want to take out an old 06. for groundhog of coyote. The 200 gn. bullet I would use on large game would richochet to much. With big bore here you have to use bullets that almost totally distroy varmints.

11-20-2007, 09:06 PM
I am a 270 lover myself and have been shooting and reloading for a Rem model 700 and a Win model 70 for over 30 years. The 270 has a "sweet spot" bullet weight and it is 130gr, and will work fine on anything in the lower 48. I prefer a heavier bullet for elk but O'Connor and others since have taken many with the 130gr types.

A couple of years ago, Jim Carmichael wrote about the 270 and opined that 130gr bullets are where the 270 shines. If the bullets get too heavy, then it just isn't a 270 anymore. I agree with his position, but 140gr Nosler Partitions are accurate in my rifles and you don't give up too much velocity over the 130gr bullets.

For a toolbox load, I use the bulk Remington 130gr PSP-CL bullets. They are low cost (compared to premium bullets), accurate to "minute of deer/elk" and have demonstrated good terminal performance.


11-21-2007, 06:42 AM
GoodOlBoy says:

My 270 shoots factory 130gr corelokts into some pretty decent groups (or did before my old scope decided to give up on me.)

The first groups out of that rifle that were fired after he aquired it, put three rounds into about 1/4" w/the fourth opening it up to about 3/8" and the fifth opening it up to about 1/2". It has a standard sporter weight barrel so by the time it got around to the last two rounds it was getting a little warm, not hot, just warming up.

All of that was with a box of Remington Green Box Coreloks.

I think it will do just as good with the new (to him) Leupold, and the Leupold will not go belly-up like that 30+ year old Bushnell Sportview did. That Leupold on my rifle put three rounds into 0.118" at 100 yards, and would consistantly hold three in 3/8" all of the time.

Now if'n we can get the load he wants worked out I think it will get better.


11-21-2007, 08:49 AM
I am probably going to go for the accubond later, until I get practice in I think I will use the MUCH less expensive 140 gr ballistic tips.


11-21-2007, 04:59 PM
i like you have used the 270 for yrs. i now use the 270wsm. untill the 140's came out it was 130. 150's didn't give me the performance i wanted, the 130 was to light for me on elk.

deer were better, but still if i hit heaver bone the bullit had problems staying togther. then hornady brought out the 140
bt. i have recovered them from elk and deer all in one piece and have used them ever since. good fps. good acc, tougher cons. good luck!

tip em over!!