View Full Version : Savage 110: accidental discharges?

11-25-2007, 09:47 PM
I would like to here about any non negligent discharges any of you has witnessed with these rifles. I have a 110 tactical in .223, a friend and I were at the range this spring and I was loading the rifle one shell at a time. I placed a shell in the gun and closed the bolt with my right hand, while my left was on the buttstock, when I closed the bolt the rifle fired. If my friend had not been looking right at me and seen it all himself I would have possibly doubted myself and thought I somehow hit the trigger, but he saw it all and agreed that my hand was nowhere near the trigger. I bought this gun used and assumed that someone had tampered with the trigger. It has been in the safe ever since, except for me getting it out, cocking it and bouncing it on the concrete floor of the garage to attempt to make it fire, unloaded of course. I have not been able to cause it to go off. Well the same friend that was at the range that day has a 110 .30-06, and he just called me and said his gun did the same thing yesterday. He put a shell in it, closed the bolt, and it went off. Both guns are in good condition, of reasonably new manufacture, NON ACCU-TRIGGER, factory ammo was being used in both instances. His gun was bought at WAL-MART by him, so he knows it has not been messed with. Luckily in both instances the rifles were pointed in a safe direction, so there were no injuries. We are both thinking of getting rid of these rifles. What do you guys have to say?

11-26-2007, 07:44 AM
REPLACE the triggers! I put a Timney on mine. Those Savage triggers are JUNK!

11-26-2007, 09:02 AM
Check your firing pin. There's an adjustment for how much travel there is on Savages. When you open the bolt look at the face of it and see how far the FP is retracted.

Skinny Shooter
11-26-2007, 09:41 AM
What did Savage say when you called them? I have a 12 VLP and am wondering if its accu-trigger could be a problem down the road.

11-26-2007, 02:45 PM
My opinion.............the factory did a poor job of setting up the trigger or someone did a 'home trigger adjustment' either before you bought it or after.

11-26-2007, 10:58 PM
Well, I haven't called Savage yet, and as far as a home trigger adjustment, my friend bought his gun new, it has not been messed with. It strikes me as strange that both rifles would malfunction in the same very dangerous way. No one else knows of someone having this problem?

11-27-2007, 12:50 AM
how much usage has each one had?

It's possible that you may have some gunk/crud causing the firing pin to stick forward.

I've had a savage 110 .243win for 15 years now, bought it new in '92, and it's been one of the most reliable firearms i have had.
Roughly 3K rounds through it now, give or take 200 or so.

Only problem so far, is the front sight came off in some very heavy brush and they wanted $60 for a new front sight.
Left it off and just use the scope since i mainly use it for varmitting.

Skinny Shooter
11-27-2007, 07:39 AM
Savage is supposed to take good care of their customers.
(413) 568-7001
Let us know how you make out.

Andy L
11-27-2007, 10:28 AM
Ive had no problem with Savage, but triggers do go bad.

I had a Remington 700 go off. Like yours, it wouldnt repeat it either. Then later, I had a fella tell me about a website that explained why and Remington wouldnt own up to the problem. It had to do with grit, small grit, getting in the sear and allowing it to trip when the safety was turned off.

Good luck.