View Full Version : Your Chance to Influence DC Gun Case

12-11-2007, 03:40 PM
A group of legal scholars is going to file a "friend of the court" brief with the Supreme Court in the DC gun case (Parker/Heller), supporting the individual right to keep and bear arms. These are sharp people, with a history of well-reasoned, scholarly writings on the subject. The Supreme Court will study the brief as they consider their decision.

We can help. This is probably as good a chance as you will have to directly speak to the Supreme Court.

It does cost a lot to make the required filings, and the group is asking for donations to help defray the substantial costs involved.

I've kicked in some money, and am also taking great pleasure in the fact that the contribution will be sent via the rabidly anti-gun PayPal. I think if it as using PayPal to defeat PayPal.

LINK: ]yellow "contribute" button, upper right (http://academicssecondamendment.blogspot.com)

12-11-2007, 04:14 PM
From what I read, you can also mail A2A a check. I'd prefer that method since Paypal will not be getting a slice of the money that we send A2A. Wouldn't it really be hilarious if Paypal sent the 2% or 3% that they skim from A2A and then send it to the anti's in support of their cause, thereby taking our money and sending it to the anti's. I'm crying thinking about it.

12-11-2007, 05:00 PM
I think enjoying the irony of having PayPal send money to people who are going to bury their ilk is worth the small price.

If we win, you heard it here first.

If we don't, I won't remind anyone I said we would. :)