View Full Version : Mossberg Auto?

12-19-2007, 08:12 PM
I wanna get a goose gun and, while browsing the local gun store's website, found a shotgun that caught my eye. It was a Mossberg 935 Magnum Autoloading. Screw in chokes, ventilated rib, fiber optic sights, sling studs,overbored barrel, recoil pad, gas operation, you name it. And it only costs $500! But how do they work? Anyone got some info to shed some light on my terrible predicament. To buy or not to buy, that is the question. That was really lame.

12-19-2007, 08:29 PM
But a good question. I have talked to a few people that have the 935 and am considering one for myself as they cost a whole lot less than a Benelli SBE and I wouldn't cry too much if I lost it overboard in one of the rivers out here. Hopefully Skinny Shooter can tell you a little more because he bought one of the 935 Turkey guns:D

01-08-2008, 08:04 PM
Oh, Skinny Shooter. Were waiting.:(

Skinny Shooter
01-09-2008, 08:54 PM
MH, just got your email, didn't know you were looking for me.

Originally posted by Minihuntur
I wanna get a goose gun and, while browsing the local gun store's website, found a shotgun that caught my eye. It was a Mossberg 935 Magnum Autoloading. To buy or not to buy, that is the question. That was really lame.
Minihuntur Buy!

I now use my 870 as a home defense gun and moved the Aimpoint Comp M reddot onto the 935.
Will be using the new gun for coyotes and turkey.
Don't have many rounds thru mine but it does cycle 2.75" high brass shells.
Really wanted one of these but am not dropping that much for a shotgun: http://www.benelliusa.com/firearms/large/sbe2TurkeyPGApg12Ga.jpg