View Full Version : End of the Year

12-28-2007, 05:44 AM
Well the end of the year is at hand and will give some of what I saw in South Dakota:
Pheasants = through the roof on numbers again this year
Grouse = My area in the West was way down
Turkey in the Black Hills = Tons of them and they are getting to be a problem there are so many
Deer = About the same as turkey
Elk = The State GF@P is doing there best to shoot them all off with way to many permits for what they have for animals.
Mountain Lions = The population is way more then the State realizes and again the season ended early with the numbers harvested.
Preditors = Fur prices down preditors up with yotes and coon all over the place. Fox population in my Western section of the state is still down from a mange outbreak several years ago.
I still have deer tags to fill through the end of Jan. so I will still be out banging away for awhile.