View Full Version : Bear Element

Andy L
12-30-2007, 06:55 PM
I have been out of bowhunting the last several years with my back trouble. Bows have advanced alot since I quit. My 13yr old has gotten interested lately and was shooting an older PSE, POS.

I got him a Bear Element for Christmas. Man, for the money, that is one nice little bow. 70lb limbs, short and shoots fantastic. Im planning on getting a bow for me, since I got the bug again and my backs better, before next year. I was looking at Matthews at twice the price. After shooting his and seeing what it can do, I believe I will just get one identical.

Just thought I would pass this along. For the bow, quiver, sights, silencers, release, dozen arrows and limbsavers, I got $525 in this outfit. Almost $300 less than the Matthews bow with no accessories. Great deal, IMO. I think it will send an arrow thru a deer or elk just as good as the high dollar ones as well.

12-30-2007, 10:19 PM
13 years old and shooting at 70lbs? That's one strong kid.
Bear has become more credible in that last few years. I wouldn't look past them.

Andy L
01-01-2008, 04:44 PM
It has 70lb limbs, I should say, 60-70. Hes shooting it at about 57lb, turned all the way down. It wont be long though. Hes having no problem with it. Hes 6' tall and weighs about 145lb. Big kid.