Andy L
12-30-2007, 06:55 PM
I have been out of bowhunting the last several years with my back trouble. Bows have advanced alot since I quit. My 13yr old has gotten interested lately and was shooting an older PSE, POS.
I got him a Bear Element for Christmas. Man, for the money, that is one nice little bow. 70lb limbs, short and shoots fantastic. Im planning on getting a bow for me, since I got the bug again and my backs better, before next year. I was looking at Matthews at twice the price. After shooting his and seeing what it can do, I believe I will just get one identical.
Just thought I would pass this along. For the bow, quiver, sights, silencers, release, dozen arrows and limbsavers, I got $525 in this outfit. Almost $300 less than the Matthews bow with no accessories. Great deal, IMO. I think it will send an arrow thru a deer or elk just as good as the high dollar ones as well.
I got him a Bear Element for Christmas. Man, for the money, that is one nice little bow. 70lb limbs, short and shoots fantastic. Im planning on getting a bow for me, since I got the bug again and my backs better, before next year. I was looking at Matthews at twice the price. After shooting his and seeing what it can do, I believe I will just get one identical.
Just thought I would pass this along. For the bow, quiver, sights, silencers, release, dozen arrows and limbsavers, I got $525 in this outfit. Almost $300 less than the Matthews bow with no accessories. Great deal, IMO. I think it will send an arrow thru a deer or elk just as good as the high dollar ones as well.