View Full Version : First muzzleloader deer

Gil Martin
01-01-2008, 06:45 PM
I went out this afternoon with a .50 caliber flintlock Lyman Trade Rifle looking for deer. Upon entering the picked cornfield behind my house, I saw a buck. I quickly loaded the rifle and took a 75 yard shot offhand. The ball entered the ribcage and the buck took a dozen steps and dropped. Total elapsed time was about ten minutes from the time I left the house. All ther best...

01-01-2008, 10:00 PM
Congratulations, Gil !

01-02-2008, 12:15 AM
Well that's cool... pretty hard hunting I think.... :D
Aloha.... :cool:

01-02-2008, 12:23 AM
Waidmannsheil Gil, that's a good shot, freehand is not easy, Dom.

01-02-2008, 09:39 AM
Kinda makes up for all those days which you were cold, wet, hot and just plain miserable.

Adam Helmer
01-02-2008, 04:37 PM

Well done! I know you used roundball and real Blackpowder. I will go out tomorrow or the next day for flintlock deer here on the farm. I will use roundball in my .50 as well.


01-02-2008, 06:50 PM
Good job! Mine fell the day after Christmas. I had plenty of oportunities and really didn't want to take a deer. I drove deer most of the day for the other 6 members in our party. Long story short, I ended up taking the longest shot ever on a deer. Last year I shot one at 120 and this one streched out to 150 yards. I put my front site on the top of his back and took him through the heart....

I was chasing a well hit deer shot with an arrow and actually mistook it for the one I was after. The deer shot with the bow was laying halfway between where I stood and the deer I shot. Needless to say, I wasn't the happiest of campers as I really didn't want another deer at the moment (even though I had a tag) . Like I said, numerous oportunities beforehand, with much "Easier" drags and not at the end of a tiring day of walking. We shot 4 out of 7 people hunting. Not a shabby day of muzzleloader hunting. I saw over 30 deer, and had an oportunity on every drive (even being the driver) I saw 1 descent buck I could have shot at 60 yards.

My deer season is at an end. BTW, I'm not so primative with my muzzleloader as I shoot Triple 7 and 240gr Hornady XTP .44 mag bullets with a Sabot. They shoot like a dream out to 100 yards, and obviously do the trick at 150. I would have never of attempted that shot had I known it wasn't the already hit deer. I just didn't want to chase a deer till dark, but I ended up having to help drag 2 out of a nasty hole.