View Full Version : Conspiracy???????????

01-03-2008, 02:07 PM
I just heard today that Fox news has barred Ron Paul from their next debate. Fair and balanced my aching roids.:mad:
Have you also noticed that all the alphabet channels news teams almost totally ignore the man? :mad:
I have to ask, what is wrong with this picture? Is he such a threat to the socialist in the media and those in office that they have to make sure he is not mentioned as even being a viable candidate?
Why does the media spend all their time promoting all the anti-gun socialist pieces of excrement on both sides of the fence?
Could it be that they are afraid of a man that is a strict constitutionalist?
It makes no difference to me who anyone supports for President, but it does make a big difference for me when I see the underhanded way some candidates for office are not given equal time.
FWIW, I will not vote for any of the top three Republicans running in y state's primary and I'm not allowed to vote of any Democrat, not that I would anyway.
The one thing I agree on with Barak Obama is we need a change.
Let's change all those self serving bums in the Congress like dirty diapers for one thing.
I haven't decided who I will vote for in Arizona's primary, but I'll guarantee you one thing, it won't be Juliani, or Romney. Not sure where the rest stand on gun control so I have to do more study.
I will say that right now, I'd be more inclined to vote of Ron Paul than any of the others. I don't agree with everything he says on some things, but I do agree with a lot more of his thoughts than the others. Seems to me he comes the closest to being a true "honest politican."
Paul B.

Rocky Raab
01-03-2008, 04:41 PM
Nothing against you, my friend, but Ron Paul is simply Ross Perot without the ears. (Same initials, even!) I think the man is a crackpot, but if you like him, more power to you, my friend. This is still just barely America.

The reason that FOX dropped him is simple: except for his internet supporters, that man is utterly unknown.

But let me make this clear: if he should somehow get the nomination, I'd vote for him. Not because I like him, but because I'd rather vote for a diseased orangutan than any of those Democrats running.

01-03-2008, 11:51 PM
They will only waste air time on those that have a legitimate shot.

01-04-2008, 07:12 PM
he is doing well here in mich

01-07-2008, 09:06 AM
Did you listen to him at the LAST debate? The man is a nutball conspiracy theorist. He couldn't answer a single question without saying "The war! THE WAR is to blame!!! ARRRGGGG TINFOIL!!!!"

ok so I added the tinfoil part. Still.
I had liked him up until that point.


01-07-2008, 02:06 PM
His stand on nafta is pushing him here he wants to get us out of it.
I would like to see at least some of it changed and i dont think any one else will do a thing about it.
I did not see the debate.

01-07-2008, 08:33 PM
RP just does not have any credibility.

01-23-2008, 08:49 PM

01-23-2008, 10:44 PM
In every Presidential election cycle, there are a couple of candidates running that know from the start they won't win- they are there to push their ideas. On the Republican side, that would be Ron Paul, on the Democratic, Dennis Kucinich.
And, at about this time every cycle, the networks decide to narrow the debates to candidates that have a chance with the broad spectrum of the electorate. That's happening to both Paul and Kucinich now.