View Full Version : revovlver or auto?

01-03-2008, 04:44 PM
I know this thread has been done many times but heres my twist i live in california so you legally cant have more then a 10 shot magazine so hi caps are a dream to us.My first handgun was a taurus tracker 357 mag 7 shot my reasoning is if your limited to ten shots make them big i now have many guns but none are high cap autos i have a para 1911 single stack and with smith making a 8 shot revolver how is the auto pistol gonna survive in california most of my friends are the same way were anti auto

Adam Helmer
01-03-2008, 05:19 PM

I am NOT anti-auto, but I do have a question. Why do you NEED a high-capacity magazine holding more than 10 rounds? I have carried a 7-round M1911A1 pistol for more years than I wish to recall and any "Bad Stuff" will be over in 3 rounds, or less.

I thought the Clinton ban on high-capacity mags was senseless. On the other hand, having 15 or 17 rounds in a magazine is not a cure all for the Bad Stuff. Firepower is fine, but accuracy is final, so make the first shots count.


01-03-2008, 05:25 PM
Since ya put it that way..at least ya have a single stack 45. The only one to carry. If ya need more carry another mag. Seriously even if you have a pre ban hi cap mag you cannot use it? Actually nothing wrong with a revolver but what ever it is...for serious life saving carry use make sure it is at least a +P 38 or bigger. I am not one of the magnumitis types where bigger is better. Except in the case of firearms for use in serious life threatening situations. Course I wouldn't carry a S&W 500 Mag either unless I could. Heck if I could carry a 12 ga that would be my preference. Especially a 590 Mossy or something like that...10 shots!! Yeah:D :cool:

01-03-2008, 05:43 PM
Heck Skeet, I'll bet you would carry a sawed off Barrett 50 cal if you could:D

01-03-2008, 09:04 PM
I can guarantee ya that the darn muzzle blast would disable the scum suckin pig I'd be pullin the trigger at!!:D :D Wonder if that ol bullet would be stabilized by a 6 inch bbl?? Course I'd look kinda funny wearing a pair of ear muffs with ear plugs under 'em...goin around sayin Huh?? Huh?? Whatcha say?:rolleyes:

01-03-2008, 10:04 PM
I can't claim to be anti auto, but I do carry both types at times.
My question is this: how many misses does it take to get the job done? Will missing 12 times do any good?
Ok, you say, you don't miss. OK, then why are you still shooting?
When I carry an auto, I have 8 rounds. It'll all be over well before that magazine is empty. 15 shot magazines just make for bulky pistols that are hard to conceal. IMO
For the military, there might be reason to carry a handgun that carries 15 rounds (I kinda doubt it, but maybe). For a civilian who might have to defend himself, I see no point at all in high cap magazines.

01-03-2008, 10:49 PM
Yup , I figure if I can't come to a favorable conclusion in eight 45 ACP rounds I'm SOL.

01-04-2008, 04:39 PM
for adams question of why do i need high caps in the wonderful town i live in crime is high drug dealers go from california to nevada which is only a 3 hour drive from me and get fake proofs of residency to buy ar-15 and ak variants which then get used in home invasions its not uncommon here to have shootouts so it would be nice to have hi caps i stopped a home invasion at my moms house last year with a rem 870 and my taurus tracker they chose to flee then shoot it out

01-04-2008, 06:14 PM
You would have a 1/2" to stabilize since a 50 cal is 5.5" long. That being the case, I would suggest a "high capacity mag":D