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01-03-2008, 07:07 PM
Boy, 11, Uses Toy Lightsaber to Defend Mom From Attacker

An 11-year-old boy demonstrated The Force when he defended his mom by hitting an attacker with a toy lightsaber.

The man, in his 30s, fled after being confronted by the youngster outside a bakery in Swardeston, near Norwich, England.

Police said the boy hit the man with his toy after the man had punched and verbally abused his mother as she approached her car.

Officers are appealing for witnesses to the Dec. 22 attack.

Allan Jennings of the Norfolk Police said: "The incident caused quite a commotion and it is unlikely it would have gone unnoticed."

Brother Rockeye
01-04-2008, 01:12 PM
I like how they make sure you know it was a TOY lightsaber.
Wouldn't have to track him down if it had been a real one :D

01-04-2008, 04:36 PM
Ban all Lightsabers immediately. This is un- heard of. We can not have the peasants defending themselves. This insurrection must be punished. Let us hope the the attacker of the boys mother was not injured.

Best wishes, Bill

01-05-2008, 01:51 AM
Good old England.