View Full Version : Draw deadlines

01-04-2008, 05:17 PM
Don't forget to get those app's in, especially the early draw States like Wyoming. Fees went up again guys, so plan accordingly. Good luck, grayghost

M.T. Pockets
01-05-2008, 07:57 AM
I'm afraid to say this last price increase may have retired me from elk hunting in Wyoming. $1,073 is just too much for my comfort level, and this is after a couple years of buying $50 preference points. Nobody loves it more than I do, but I'm afraid they're looking for hunters with names like Deep Pockets, not Empty Pockets.

Dan Morris
01-05-2008, 08:49 AM
Colorado hasn't got any info out, as of yet. Usually, they have to be in in early April. Don't know if I'm gonna try draw or general bull this year. Draw, I'm stuck with one GMU.

Further thoughts...think I'm gonna apply for draw deer in another area...bout 2000' lower than I've been hunting and play
gen bull elk by general tag.45 days of black powder before me has had an effect on pushing them a little lower than I've been hunting!

01-08-2008, 11:25 PM
Well, if it's not money lust, it's the desire by State employee's to end hunting. I told a friend back in 1973 (after he mentioned anti-hunters) we would be priced out of hunting in the end. Who can afford $16,000+ Brown Bear hunts? $14,000+ Moose hunts? The average Elk hunt is pushing $5K and some are now $20,000. The all mighty dollar destroys again.......

Dan Morris
01-09-2008, 05:57 AM
Being a resident is not that expensive. I hunt public land and diy
my own campsite. Granted, my kill ratio is way below the guided hunts! I also enjoy the trip....generally have a darn good time...kill
is a bonus.
I simply enjoy going!

01-16-2008, 06:56 PM
That's the best reason to hunt Dan. Enjoy every bit of it.
Good hunting, grayghost

01-26-2008, 05:19 PM
The reason outfitters get so much $ is because........................ NR's pay........... the price.
Let us not forger our litigious society as liability ins for an outfitter is absolutely nucking futz! Especially if yer using horses, boats or vehicles. OH yeh, don't ferget the xtra $ if yer huntin in Grizland.

My step daughter writes outfitter liability and she says the ins co's are thinking of adding on a wolf country surcharge. That'll mean that within a few years it will be charged in the entire state as the GD things have been seen in every county of WY!


Dan Morris
01-26-2008, 06:01 PM
Hnter, this is so true...friend of mine owns a liquor store over where Petey hunted ....says he can get me on the guy across the highway's ranch at a 'family rate....$1500'..Krist, I'm glad I'm not a stranger! Man, I go for the fun and relaxation of it...kill is a bonus!
As a res, (if kid is not working this year at season), I'll go for a week and won't spend $250 counting license! Kill ratio is not the greatest but I have fun and enjoy what is around me.
Any one is welcome to join me/us.Main problem I'm having is ....
when kid is on duty.....NO ONE wants to go with an ole goat!!!LOL

All of the above depends on severe weather conditions...LOL
I'm not gonna get myself or any one else in a bind!Gonns try GMU 27 this thear.