View Full Version : Question on Sweet's

Dan Morris
01-06-2008, 04:38 PM
As I'm now out of Hoppe's, have a couple of bottles of Sweet's....my question is...should I neutralize the ammonia after
cleaning??????I've never used this stuff before, it was in my goodie box.

Forget it.....just used it on a couple of 45 barrels and do not believe how this stuff worked!!!!! They look like new. Took a little work but DANG!!

01-06-2008, 06:26 PM

I've used a lot of Sweets in my day. It works best when you use a smaller than nominal nylon bore brush with patch and wet it down good, with a few strokes back and forth through the bore. Try not to let the brush and patch protrude past the muzzle. It is optimal when the Sweets is frothing.

Although they don't say so, you don't have to neutralize, although I always do. I just wet a patch with rubbing alcohol and then follow with an oily patch.

Best wishes, Bill

Dan Morris
01-06-2008, 06:52 PM
Gracias....the barrels I tried it on were some I had replaced...
man, they are back in the good pile! I'd used Hoppe's all my life and thought it did a good job.....this stuff is an eye opener!
Thanks again for the feedback!

01-06-2008, 07:23 PM
I use sweets on all my guns, b/c just like you said...it's an eye opener once you use it on a barrel you "Think" is clean.

You can make your own with good ol ammonia and dish soap. I use a nylon brush and scrub good...let er set for no more than 10 mins and watch the "blue" come out. I normally follow up with Rem oil. It's the ticket for all my guns, b/c you see when it's clean.