View Full Version : It sure would be nice....

01-19-2008, 09:43 AM
to revitalize this forum...except fer the fact that there are no other women hunters on the board but IQ & Val!

So, if you fellas know any other women, maybe yer wives, g/fs, sisters er whatever, give em shout to head on over...it's a tough job fer us 3 keepin all ya'll in line lol ;) :D

I was also wonderin what the tally was on the ladies season this year, mine was a few does and no big bucks anyway...will be out next weekend fer some small game...the beagles are itchin ta go hoppin down the bunny trail...

01-22-2008, 12:45 PM
Yeah it has been awful quiet round here for a while now...I've mentioned this forum to a few ladies but none have registered as far as I know.

Our season wasn't too bad.

1 doe and 1 bear with the bow for me
1 bear (first game) with my 6.5 for our neice

All our bears this year were little ones but the population has exploded so much here that the big ones are extremely out numbered. Soon as we can convince them to reinstated our spring hunt we'll start seein more larger bears again. Not holdin our breath though.

Hubby has a laugh bout my bear cause the night before I got him hubby wanted me to use my rifle so I'd anchor it, was rainin somthin fierce and he didn't wanna track it in that weather. Never saw a thing that night but the next night I anchored it at 15yrds. with the bow and had it loaded and out at the trail over an hour before him and my niece dragged thier butts outa the bush. I asked him if it was anchored well enough for him. :D

Then deer huntin hubby and I both missed the same buck within half an hour of each other... doh!! :rolleyes: Had a good laugh bout that one too.

01-22-2008, 04:08 PM
I wish we had more wimmin circulatin on this board too. I just luv wimmen...How are ya Icey??!! I know how Lilred is!! She lets us all know most of the time! Good huntin too. Never shot a b'ar. Had quite a few chances in Alaska just never has the inclination. Now Moosies is a different story!!:D

01-23-2008, 08:17 PM
I thought there was a "firsttimehuntinggal" of something like that that joined last fall?

Sorry to say, but you (lilred) Val and IQ are just special women, need more like you all, but i guess there just isn't that many like you all.

01-23-2008, 09:09 PM
you sound like me and hubby tryin to deer hunt together too LOL :rolleyes:
Good goin on the bear hunt and with a bow no less...sounds like you had a good year.
Can ya hunt anythin up yonder in Jan/Feb?

Firsttimehuntingal....dunno what happened to her. I only remember a couple posts..and deerqueen too.
How many of ya'll remember that girl who used to come on here...I caint even remember her name now...the crazy one who saved the deer in a swamp er somthin and took her kid down the interstate with no seat belt...god I cannot remember her screen name to save my life.
I caint tell you how many laughs I got over all that...had tears in my eyes half the time I was laughin so hard.
I remember her "other" name was gizmo...but her screen name is lost to me.
God, I'm laughin out loud as I type...hilarious.

oops...hit the edit button the wrong one. Doh! :rolleyes:

01-24-2008, 11:08 AM
I remember that girl, she was indeed wierd, but she was good for a laugh. lol

Only thing we can hunt here now is rabbit and wolf with a special liscence. We don't go out much for them.

Most of our time in the bush now is on skis, snowshoes or sleds, havin fun and runnin the dogs. We're hopeing it'll warm up this weekend so we can get out again. Right now it's -30C (-22F) which is a wee too cold to enjoy the fresh air. Like brrrrrr!!!! lol

We're doin good skeet. Got the house to ourselves now ('cept the dogs) so we're keep our selvles busy most days playin and workin and playin some more. The pup is 2 now, and a monster, still growin though. Cat is startin to feel her age in the cold but she's still a going concern too. Hubby and I spend lots of time in da bush, specially now that we got our mobile hunt camp. He's tryin to convince me to make a trip to the States to go to Cabelas but I'm thinkin we can't afford a trip like that, would moi expensive to get both of us in that store at the same time. :D

01-24-2008, 06:30 PM
It was "huntingalnmo". She was something else. A little of the topic but do you remember "Grizzledbastard"??

01-24-2008, 07:51 PM
-30 degrees...yessum...that is COLD lol...and I don't see how ya'll stand it. Ya'll must be a hearty lot that's fer sure.
I remember grizzledbastard....although I dont remember alot of his posts.What ever happened to him anyway? Mad Reloader?

ahhh...there is quite a few folks I would love to see...at least let us know how they are doin.

01-24-2008, 08:08 PM
I dont know lil'Red you sure they want to introduce us???????:D :D :D :D ;)

01-24-2008, 08:34 PM
I remember GB also, can't recall any of his posts though. And MR too...been a long time since I saw anything from either or those two.

01-24-2008, 09:40 PM
Since we are dredging up ol' names, how about earsgesplitzen,or however he spelled it.

He wrote one tome that was right up there with Pat McManus. Ears was very talented.

Best wishes, Bill

01-24-2008, 09:49 PM
I wonder what ever happened to boyu.

10-29-2008, 03:25 AM
Howdy folks.

Just wanted to pop in and give ya'll a hug.
You're good people, you always have been.

It's always been a pleasure to be in your company.

Remember me? I'm the guy that wanted to knifethrow as a method of take? ;)

Hope everyone is doing well and baggin dinner like nobody's business!

11-01-2008, 07:27 AM
Hey Grizz good to hear from you....I take "knife throwing as a class" its a blast........... I have only cut myself twice ;)

11-05-2008, 11:39 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Lilred
you sound like me and hubby tryin to deer hunt together too LOL :rolleyes:
Good goin on the bear hunt and with a bow no less...sounds like you had a good year.
Can ya hunt anythin up yonder in Jan/Feb?

Firsttimehuntingal....dunno what happened to her.

lolRed Im here,Petey had to help me get back, somehting having to do with my aol e-mail, that and I changed my name,i dont think im a 1st time hunter now after 5 years lol

12-02-2008, 09:58 AM
Well it's good to see all ya'll!
Dont feel bad tho, I been slackin on the job myself here lately...:rolleyes: