View Full Version : Who carries their reloads in their CCW arm?

Adam Helmer
01-19-2008, 05:48 PM
Massad Ayoob, my old shooting buddy from my New Hampshire days, and many others advise us NOT to carry reloads in our CCW arms. Some even say we should not use reloads in our homes to repel home invaders.

I have my own opinions, but would like to hear the views of folks here. What say ye?


01-19-2008, 06:52 PM
I _can_ do so, but i prefer to use factory loads for ccw/homedefense.

The _only_ reason, is it just gives the opposing lawyer one less thing he can use if something ever happens and it goes to court.

Sure i know it isnt likely, BUT it's possible.

So i keep my reloads/handloads for hunting,,varmitting, target practice, and use factory for defense.

just my .02

Adam Helmer
01-19-2008, 07:13 PM

You raise some good points. Some states have enacted "Castle Doctrine" laws that may be a factor to consider.

I asked an opponent of reloads what would happen if a homeowner ONLY had a muzzleloader for home defense? Would there be a penalty for using 90 grains of 2F Goex and roundball in a .50 caliber instead of 75 grains? Both would be RELOADS.

Or would the question be the JUSTIFICATION of the use of deadly force and the means used at the option of the victim in gravest extreme? Some say cops are sued frequentrly for shooting people and they all use factory loads, so factory ammo may not be a "free pass". If the use of deadly force is not justified, factory ammo will not save your hide in court.


01-19-2008, 07:53 PM
Oh I agree with you Adam, not intending it as a "free pass" but it gives the possible opposing lawyer one _less_ piece of ammo (all pun intended) to use.

01-19-2008, 10:56 PM
Whats a re-load? Never heard of such a thing. Why would anybody do something like that? Thats preposterous. I bought these shells down at the corner of Grabit an' Run just last week. Guy was selling them cheap.

Yes I do use my own reloads. When precious seconds count, remember the Police are only minutes away. I know my ammo will go boom when it's supposed to. No if's ands fors, nors or butts. And if ya'll tell anybody I'll call ya liar.

Best wishes, Bill

P.S. my re-loads don't perform with any more power than most factory loads, they do not contain fleschettes, white phospherous and are not Nuclear tipped.

01-20-2008, 01:09 AM
That's true Billy, and any person with common sense knows that but.....

look at _SOME_ of the lawyers, and juries nowdays...common sense just is not that common anymore.

01-20-2008, 01:57 AM
Originally posted by gumpokc
That's true Billy, and any person with common sense knows that but.....

look at _SOME_ of the lawyers, and juries nowdays...common sense just is not that common anymore.

Hey gump

You are starting to sound like Yogi Berra. Remember his famous quote, " The future ain't what it used to be".

That guy used to crack me up. He sure could play ball though.

Personaly, I think the only way you could get hung on re-loads is if you opened your big yap and said something during the investigation, or played the "big man" part and said something like " I've been waiting for some creep to hold me up so I could blow him away".

Me, I'll play the humble sheep routine and wring my hands and sniffle and act contrite. I might get by with it cause I'm such a sweet lovable little guy. To my chagrin I'd be in big trouble around here being I know about half the LEOs in the city.


Gil Martin
01-25-2008, 06:59 PM
I have used reloads in my CCW firearms for 40 years. First, you have to survive the encounter. The use of factory ammo is not an absolute defense against being sued. Police use factory ammo andf get sued on a regular basis. The truth is today you can be sued for any reason or no reason. The other option is to give up your CCW and merely be a victim and a statistic. It is a personal decision and I have made mine. The only time I needed my CCW, no one cared that I was using reloads. I would rather take a chance on being tried by 12 than to be carried by 6. All the best...

01-25-2008, 08:10 PM

If they think reloads are bad I wonder what they'd think if they looked at the inner workings of my pistol.

Caspian frame, Auto Ordinance Bull Dog Slide, Ed Brown Beavertail Grip Safety, Wilson Custom Barrel, Videki Trigger, extended Mag Release, Magazine Base Pads. Slide lapped and hand fitted. I built the ultimate "Killer" pistol.

Just checking out the mods would take them 6 months.


01-25-2008, 09:11 PM
I would rather take a chance on being tried by 12 than to be carried by 6

I like Gil's thinking. I don't reload, yet, but if I did I wouldn't hesitate to load my CCW up with them. The whole point to carrying is to survive and go home to your family. As long as you're not loading hollowpoints with cyanide they would have a hard time proving anything. Like Billy said, just keep your mouth shut.

02-06-2008, 08:14 AM
The only CCW handloads I ever carried where in a 45LC and they were loaded to cowboy action shooting specs. It would be very hard for a DA to make the argument that slower target load rounds loaded to 1800s specs were designed as a "better" killing bullet.

In my normal CCW gun though I only carry factory loads.


02-22-2008, 09:39 PM
I carry factory loads when I'm out but use reloads in my home. I travel in some unsavory neighborhoods and prefer to carry 40 S&W hydroshocks. My loads for home are a .38spcl heavy SWC cast bullet and approx. 700 f.p.s. I like these because should I have to fire a round in my home, they're slow enough not to go through walls where my kids are sleeping, but plenty fast enough to stop the intruder. Stay on guard. One of my customers is the Kirkwood, MO police department who just lost two officers and 3 city council-people. Please keep them and there families in your prayers.


02-24-2008, 02:21 PM
i use remington golden sabers 230 jhp in my 45, my raging bull is always available as a home defense also i use 260 grain nosler partition s in that one but its a factory load, if they get up stairs the i have 3 differant shotguns a 12 , 16 and a 20 all waiting plus my wife has her lady smith on the bed post, my home is my castle

04-26-2008, 06:22 PM
I carry what I feelis the best load for a given platform or gun.
Most of my semi auto pistols are loaded with HydraShock. This includes .45 ACP, .40 S&W and 9mm. I am comfortable with those.

I use my handloads though, in all of my revolvers. These include .45 Colt, .44 Mag, .357 and .38 Special.

I have zero concern for any remote issue concerning my choice of loads.

05-28-2008, 03:29 AM
for the last 36 years I have carried the most accurate and reliable ammo I could find in my gun for self defense. It started out as Speer Lawman ammo and when I found that my loads were more accurate and never had any problems with them. Since then I carry my handloads for everything.
I can say that I was just making the best choice to avert injury to innocents by choosing ammo that was the most accurate in my gun. It is certainly no more powerful than the Speer Lawman ammo but it is much more accurate and consistent.

there has never been any successful prosecution for using handloads for self-defense in the USA.
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