View Full Version : Another Yard Sale find

02-01-2008, 08:06 PM
Picked up a fairly nice Benelli M-1 Super 90 tonight. Got it for a fair price and had a couple of the Briley extended chokes with it.. Also turned down a Ruger 10-22 for 150 bucks. New in the box but I surely didn't need it. Even if the price was right Now does anybody need a really nice Benelli Sport? Got one of them I need to sell...as new:D :D Well maybe not too!:confused:

02-01-2008, 11:58 PM
See if you can find me a cheap but NIB Beretta Extrema 2 in Max4 HD, 28" barrel, and a Kick Off pad!

02-02-2008, 02:21 PM
Do it have to be new? I do know where one is but don't know if it is 26 or 28 inch. How cheap is cheap? I paid around 5 for the Manelli I sold my Extrema 2...all camo and 26 inch. POS for certain. It actually worked....sometimes:rolleyes: My manelli works all the time:D

02-02-2008, 02:37 PM
Garage Sale cheap would be good! ;)

I'd prefer NIB and definitely want the newer series 2 in Max4.

Sorry to hear you weren't happy with yours. What kind of troubles were you experiencing?

I lease my duck property from a friend who runs a Duck / Goose guide service and I had the opportunity to shoot his brand new Extrema 2 on several layout Speck hunts that we did together. We're shooting Kent Fasteel 3.5" BBB's and stoning the birds. His guides shoot the gun, too and so far no one has had any issues with lots of wear & tear on them.

With all the goose hunting opportunities I have now, I decided on the 3.5 capabilty. I own a new Benelli Nova for some odd reason but I don't do pump action guns!

Just in case you know of anyone, I'm selling the Beretta 686 Onyx that I bought just for duck hunting back in October to apply to my Extrema purchase. I shoot it really well and was stoning birds all through November but stumbled onto an interesting problem. When the birds moved in after November, it was more of a flurry shoot for our pit blind and it's near impossible to quickly and safely load an O/U from the pit. I missed a lot of shot opportunities so immediately went back to my Beretta 390 for the remainder of the season which just ended last Sunday. :(

Any good recipes for home made "off-season" Prozac?

02-02-2008, 11:31 PM
Them 2 shot guns are really kinda unhandy in a pit...other types of blinds too. Have had some failures to feed and failures to eject...mostly with 3 1/2 inch shells. Cold weather slowdowns also. Know ya don't get too much cold there in Kalipornia but most cold weather probs were at 20 or so and down. And i know how to make a gas gun work. Darn thing is bulky too. Like most Berettas. Manellis always work and they are a bit more streamlined than the Extrema. Just my opinion...but after guiding dem waterfowlers all dem years..Ya want a gun that will work....and I used 1100s and 11-87s most of the time and had ERY few failures to work due to cold or anything to be honest. Course I knew how to make a gas gun work:D Hard to shoot them large tolls with a 2 shot shotgun. On snows I have been known to load 5...years ago... in my outlaw days ya know!!:rolleyes:

02-10-2008, 02:30 PM
Went to an estate auction yesterday. It got cold yesterday morning. Left home ant 28 degrees and when we got to the auction it was 4 above. And the same when we got home. bought a gun...and I am almost ashamed to say...it is a gag "Browning" gag. Fabs please don't be too hard on me please!! The price was right...I had my eyes closed...my wife raised my hand...I was on drugs for a cold. I'm innocent..I really am. It wasn't my fault(picture Belushi laying on the ground with Carrie Fisher pointing a gun at him in the tunnel on that movie Blues Brothers) It was a BT-99 Combo Trap gun in the case etc. Not great condition but ok for the price of 400 bucks. Two bbls ya see. Bought a bunch of other things too. Got 9000 CCI 209 primers for 90 bucks. Also got another reloader. A hornady 366 12 ga. I was asleep when my wife bought it for me...honest..and she paid waaayyy too much at 15 dollars. Was in Wally World the other day and walked by the Sporting Goods counters and holy cow..Win AA and Rem STS shells were 6.99 a box. So I bought some(6 cases) at the auction for 4.50 a box. Now I don't have to reload for the 12 ga:D :D Got lots of other stuff too but they were lots of littles. Guy called today and asked if I wanted the manual and a lot of parts for the loader. He bought them in a bucket of little things. Gave me a Mec 600 too. but I think it is 16 ga.:rolleyes: :D Some days ya just hold yer mouth right ya know??

Now on a negative and sad note my wife bought a bunch(7) of quilts(like she needs 'em) for a hundred bucks and spent some of my hard earned(?) money on little stuff that she really didn't need. I'm gonna stop takin her to auctions and yard sales. She just wastes money on useless junk!!:rolleyes: :D

02-11-2008, 11:03 AM
Well Skeet if you would keep an eyeball or three out for a set of RCBS cowboy 30-30 dies for me. (IE the 3 die set) I been hankerin for a set and now that the price of ammo is going up again I can talk the wife into it.



02-11-2008, 03:19 PM
Also had a chance to buy a Win 94 in 44 mag..AE gun with 16 inch bbl. Guy wanted 350 for it. Guess that was a fair price. Guy also had a Marlin 1894 in 357 Octagon bbl. Cowboy gun or something. Them things have gotten high. In nice shape but he wanted 400 bucks. What is different with the 3 die Cowboy set?? Lead bullet seater??

02-11-2008, 04:47 PM
yeah it is tweaked for working with lead, and you are seperating out your stages into three instead of two. I love my 45 colt cowboy dies from RCBS so I am looking forward to these. Unfortunantly they are $54 at midwayusa, and I was hoping to find a used set for a good deal less (So I could talk the wife into them)


02-11-2008, 06:10 PM
Gonna be doing a gun show next month so if I see any I'll let ya know. Weekends you're not on much though. . Been doing ok on the yard sale and auction circuit. Finding lots of little things we can sell. Helps to pay for my bad habits....and my wife's junk!!:D

02-12-2008, 06:25 AM
Your wife was mighty thoughtful, buyin them quilts...bless her pea-pickin heart. Why, what would ya cover up with when she throws ya in the doghouse??


BTW, you tell her I woulda bought them quilts too....aint nuthin like a quilt..on the other hand, I woulda bought that gun too....hence...I dont git to go to things like that very often lol..