View Full Version : Black folks who hunt

02-04-2008, 03:59 PM
Thought ya'll might enjoy this pic of the lil fella with his first deer...he is happy as a lark.
There's lot of black folks round here who hunt and most are fine, upstandin and gracious hunters. Hubby says that black folks who hunt are rare in most parts of the country, but they are as normal as chewin baccy round these parts...and they kill some monster bucks too!
Too bad there aint none on HC....even more rare than us womenfolk :rolleyes:

02-04-2008, 04:54 PM
Lots of black folks around here used to hunt squirrel and coon. Haven't seen alot of them huntin deer.


02-05-2008, 01:35 AM
How do you know there aren't any black hunters posting or reading here at HC Lilred. Last I checked, you cannot tell what a person looks like through an internet chat board. I would scare you and say I'm black, but I have already posted pics of myself, or were those really of me. LOL

With that said, I have only seen one black hunter in my lifetime, but I am sure there are plenty more out there.

02-05-2008, 04:05 AM
One of the guys that taught me how to hunt big game was my shift leader when I got stationed in Gt. Falls. I didn't know my butt from my elbow. He loved the outdoors and was an excellent hunter.

He was a Negro from Montgomery, Alabama. This guy was so big when he entered a room it got dark inside 'cause he blocked out all the light. He was 6'5" and weighed a good 250#. He was also my trainer for Air Force duties. He may not have had a lot of book learning but he sure knew what made people tick. He could take a motley mob and turn them into a well oiled organization, and he didn't have to brow beat any one either.

His name was Nathaniel Fletcher. I'll never forget him as long as I live. He was my role model.

Best wishes, Bill

02-05-2008, 06:55 AM
You are right...ya dont never know do ya?
You've already posted your pics...so :p
I dont even remember the last time i posted my own pic...but i aint had a pic took of me in a while....cause i'm gittin OLD!!! so :P again! lol ;)

02-05-2008, 09:46 AM
Bo Jackson, Fergie Jenkins, & Dusty Baker all hunt. In fact, Fergie hunted pheasant around these parts this fall. Those are the famous black folks that hunt that I know of. There are a few local black folks around here that hunt also that I know of.


02-05-2008, 10:23 AM
Myself I would like to see more responsible hunters of ANY color in the field. After we pass the responsible tag I don't care about skin pigmentation.

I really hope we do have a good variety of races here at huntchat. One of the many reasons I have stayed here so long is the great diversity amongst our readers and posters.


02-05-2008, 10:53 AM
Thought you would like to see a buddy, Al and me eat breakfst together just about every Saturday. He is a hunter and a sporting clays shooter. Roy, the guy on the left is also a hunter. Roy lives about a 1/2 mile from our sporting clays range. Al lives in Pensacola.

Al and I met when he was sitting in a chair at the range and I walked up. Seeing the 101st patch on top of his boonie hat, I asked if he was a pukin pigeon, before we got into a scrap, I introed myself as a former Recondo sgt of the 101st.... We have been buddies ever since. Al's sons shoot clays as do his nephews.


02-05-2008, 01:24 PM
Way back yonder when I was a kid I had an awful lot taught to me about hunting and fishin by some of the black folks I was around. They were just as good at hunting as many white folks..and some better. . Personally I have no problem with black folks hunting and actually like to see it. I like to see blacks shooting too. I figure if anybody is a shooter and a hunter...they can't be all bad:D Well I know a few who are mostly bad...but they ain't black!:eek: :D One thing I am not is a racist. Only people I ain't too keen about are them people that was ashootin at me in SE Asia. It really doesn't matter what color ya are in my opinion. Good folks come in all colors. Bad'uns too.

02-05-2008, 11:38 PM
Well said everybody.

Another famous name that comes to mind is Barry Bonds. He was in northern California hunting when they issued a warrant for his arrest in the BALCO matter for perjury and lying to federal officers. His attorney told reporters that Bonds would turn himself in once he was done with his hunting trip. Personally, I don't like the guy because I think he cheated, but I dislike him a little less now that I know he hunts.

02-06-2008, 01:21 PM
I've only seen one black fellow at the range during sighting in days prior to the deer season. he was having a bit of troulbe with poor grouping and was worried that hir rifle had gone sour. :(
I asked to look at it and asked his permission to check the screws on the rifle and scope mounts. Two loose screws on the front ring of the scope and the front stock screw was also loose. After that, the rifle would group although we had to make a slight adjustment of the crosshair setting. :D I never did find out if he got his deer. :(
There was one black fellow with his two kids that went through our Hunter Ed class. They did well, but haven't seen or heard from them since. Some of my students keep in touch and others don't. it's always nice to know how they did on their hunts.
Paul B.

Ol` Joe
02-06-2008, 03:05 PM
I`ve met a couple while small game hunting, and knew a couple rabbit hunters from work. I also know of a few counties where they have a fair presence during deer season, but know none that hunt deer personally.

I also meet an older gentleman once at the local range (mid 1980s ?) whom was a couple months from retirement. He just happened to be shooting a customize 98 Mauser in 416 Taylor done by the same smith that had just finished a barrel change to 708 Rem on a 22-250, M700 I had. He had never heard of a 708 at the time and I had only heard of a 416, and didn`t know a Taylor from a Rigby.

He worked as mantainance supervisor for a different branch of the same auto company as I, and while chatting he told me he was giving himself a retirement present of a African hunt for Cape Buff and a couple plains game along with a small tour of his "Old Country". The rifle was built with that in mind, and he was in the middle of load work-up at the time. We both shot each others rifles and commented on them for a hr or two, then parted.

I have wondered a time or two just how he did on his hunt and if the rifle preformed as he hoped it would. All in all, I found him a very interesting charactor at the time.

02-11-2008, 01:26 PM
Guy that drank coffee at local coffee shop with us was a big hunter. Archery for deer but liked his goose hunting. He said he would knock down about every goose that flew over him but would never go out to the field to collect them. Said was always a white hunter run out and gather them. When I asked him why he never collected his own birds, he just said now wait a minute here, do you think I am dumb enough to run out in the center of a field with all those white boys sittin around it with their guns in hand?....lol..lmao.. He was a bunch of laughs and did get quite a few deer with a bow....Has since passed though. His tree stand is still in the woods. I don't think any of his family even know it is there...and it will stay there as long as I have a say in the matter...Is wood and will pass in time as he did.