View Full Version : Can't sleep

02-06-2008, 10:55 PM
You think it isn’t possible and beyond consideration? Hide and watch……Scares the dog “squeeze” out of me

A total nightmare!

Last night I had the strangest dream. It was so real, so life-like and so vivid I woke
up in a cold sweat.

Let me describe it to you briefly...

1. Hillary wins the Democratic Party nomination for President of the United States

2. Naturally, she wants to choose as her running mate someone with a lot of knowledge and experience in government and foreign affairs, someone who is a seasoned campaigner who could bring a lot of strength to the ticket. Who better than Bill, her husband?!!!

3. Hill and Bill go on to win the election in November and the Democrats maintain control of the House and the Senate.

4. Hillary is sworn in as President on January 20, 2009. The next day, after all the
inauguration parties are over, she calls a press conference to make an announcement: she is resigning as President!!! Bill, as the Vice President, immediately becomes President!!!

This is all perfectly legal under the 22nd Amendment to the Constitution, for it states that no person "may be elected as president more than twice".

Bill is not being elected for a third term but is merely serving out the remainder of
Hillary's term --- all 4 years of it.

5. But wait! There's more! The following day Bill calls a press conference to make an announcement. He has chosen someone to fill the now vacant Vice President Position.
Guess who he picks? Why, Hillary, of course!!!

Now you stay awake and let me get some sleep !!!!!!!

02-07-2008, 02:19 PM
darn you. . . . . .
