View Full Version : Like it or not it is McCain

02-07-2008, 04:37 PM
Romney just quit and I love his statement. Take that O'basement and Jillary a loverly stick in the eye.

Skinny Shooter
02-07-2008, 05:17 PM
Yeah too bad.
Thanks alot Perot, err I mean Huckabee. :(

Dan Morris
02-07-2008, 08:51 PM
Once again....we gotta pick the lesser of 3 evils......sad it has come to this! Bad as it hurts, I have to back him!

02-08-2008, 12:33 AM
Originally posted by Skinny Shooter
Yeah too bad.
Thanks alot Perot, err I mean Huckabee. :(

Thanks alot Huckabee? What does that mean? A Governor that got over 60% and maybe was closer to 80% of his popular vote says something. Romney got about 40% of his state.

The people that know you best are the best references you can have, Bud, and a very popular governor says how well you do for those you work for.

Romney was for gun control, abortion, gay marriage and you say thanks a lot Huckabee.... shows me what a liberal you are to start with, or how little you do your homework. Either way, I'm thankful you're not making decisions for me.

02-08-2008, 01:26 AM
Gotta agree Ed, got it, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

Skinny Shooter
02-08-2008, 08:36 AM
Hahahahaha, yep I'm a liberal. You've got me pegged.

Just may have to vote for Hillary this time around. WooHoo, PBR converted me. Maybe I can really do the vegetarian thing again too. That'll help me fit right in. :rolleyes:

Thanks for helping me to come out.

Andy L
02-08-2008, 09:16 AM
Yeah Skinny, you closet liberal. :D

As for Huckabee, I really wish he could have gotten a toehold. People, conservatives, touted Romney as the conservative of the group, but was he?

Other than matters with taxes as governor, Huckabee had more conservative views than Romney, unless Im missing something? And as for the taxes, Arkansas has been just above Mississippi in sucking hind teat for years and years in many sectors, until Mike came along. Im not too sure they didnt need to do something. I think their taxes were from the stone ages. So that could have been out of context.

On social matters, I know Huckabee was stonger. I really wish money wasnt such a factor. If more had known him, this may have been a whole new ballgame. He was more of a regional candidate because of his lack of funds.

As for the original topic, I guess Ill hold my nose and pull the lever for McCain. I hope there arent too many "suicide voters" out there that do something stupid like vote none of the above, independent or even liberal, in protest. That will commit suicide for the entire country.

On the other hand, if its Clinton, she has enough enemies and McCain is middle of the road enough, that he may be able to beat her. If its Obama, I know there are a ton of people, including hispanics, that will go for McCain over him.

As much as I hate it, a liberal leaning republican may be the only way out of this mess at the moment. :rolleyes:

02-08-2008, 09:43 AM
After what the house just did over the economic stimulus package, a liberal Republican might be what we need for things to get done. If we had more conservative Democrats and liberal Republicans in Congress, then maybe something might just get done.

Pelosi fired off at the Senate Democrats about the Economic Stimulus package, and the thing got passed right away with the really controversial items being dropped (e.g., coal mining companies being able to take losses pretty far back against taxes paid, extending unemployment benefits an additional 13 weeks). The Senate agreed on the House bill, with the addition of the elderly (i.e., those receiving social security) and disabled vets also receiving the tax rebate, and the rebate amount wasn't cut at all for any of us. I applaud Pelosi and the entire House on getting this thing done and not arguing over extreme right or extreme left positions, but instead doing what needs to be done for the majority of Americans RIGHT now. Pelosi told the Senate to pass the bill, and then they could debate about the additional items that would be left off. Exactly what I was thinking. Pass what you know is good for the country and everybody can agree on. Don't tie special little interest groups to bills that are wide reaching and that should be passed right now.

Now, if they could only do something like this for the budget deficit and illegal immigration, things might be getting better in this nation.

02-08-2008, 11:18 AM
Is a line item veto law. Why do the legislators always add crap to a bill? Sheesh. It really should not be allowed

Dan Morris
02-08-2008, 11:19 AM
IMO....at least, McCain is primarily pro 2d....
we all understand the dem goal......just look at Cal/Chicago and
NY. Ill is not making any secret of it!!!!
Also, a splinter protest is gonna put a total disaster in office!!!!
There are more things on the table than just gun rights.....forgive
that comment.....

02-08-2008, 11:42 AM
Originally posted by Skinny Shooter
Hahahahaha, yep I'm a liberal. You've got me pegged.

Just may have to vote for Hillary this time around. WooHoo, PBR converted me. Maybe I can really do the vegetarian thing again too. That'll help me fit right in. :rolleyes:

Thanks for helping me to come out.

Ok great.... hahaha... you're not a liberal..... hahahaha..... ggoood one .... hahahaha... then you just don't do your homework....

02-08-2008, 01:14 PM
"There are more things on the table than just gun rights.....forgive
that comment..... "

Not sure I can. If we no longer have gun rights, then we will have no rights at all other than the right to be either slaves or serfs. An McCaain ain't really all that Pro-gun and I have letter from him that back that up. After all, he is one of my Senators. :mad: He's for a permanent AWB for one thing which not only violates the 2nd, but the Militia Act of 1792, and Title 10 of the U.S. Code.
I've posted the following before, but I'll post it here again as a refresher.
Paul B.

"OK, lets discuss the 2nd Amendment. Good idea. It is my carefully considered opinion that the KEY WORD is MILITIA.

1. The Militia Act of 1792. One year after the Second Amendment was added to the Constitution, Congress passed a law defining the militia. The Militia Act of 1792 declared that all free male citizens between the ages of 18 and 44 were to be members of the militia. Furthermore, every citizen was to be armed. The act stated:
"Every citizen...[shall] provide himself with a good musket, a sufficient bayonet and belt, two spare flints...."

The Militia Act of 1792 made no provision for any type of select militia such as the National Guard.

U.S. Senate Subcommittee Report (1982) "In the Militia Act of 1792, the second Congress defined 'militia of the United States' to include almost every free adult male in the United States. These persons were obligated BY LAW (emphasis mine) to possess a [military style] firearm and a minimum supply of ammunition and military equipmemnt....There can be little doubt from this that when the Congress and the people spoke of the a 'militia,' they had reference to the traditional concept of the entire populace capable of bearing arms, and not to any formal group such as what is today called the national Guard."

Current Federal Law: 10 U.S.C. Sec. 311. "The militia of the Untied States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and...under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States.....

Supreme Court: U.S. v. Miller 1939 In this case, the Court stated that, "The Militia comprised of all males physically capable of acting in concert for the common defense...[and that] when called for service, these men were expected to appear bearing arms supplied by themselves AND OF THE KIND IN COMMON USE AT THE TIME. (emphasis mine)
(BTW, Miller lost in court because he did not show up. It was never taken into account that his no show was because he had passed away.)

More on Title 10 of the U.S. Code

Subtitle A - General Military Law

Sec. 311. Militia: composition and classes

(a)The militia of the United States consists of all able-bodied males at least 17 years of age and, except as provided in section 313 of title 302, under 45 years of age who are, or who have made a declaration of intention to become, citizens of the United States and of female citizens of the United States who are members of the National Guard.

(b) The classes of the militia are -

(1) the organized militia which consists of the National Guard and the Naval Militia;

(2) The unorganized militia, which consists of the members of the militia who are not members of the National Guard or of the Naval Militia.

Now it took me all of about ten minutes to find all that information. Just go to the Gun Owners of America's website and look for their firearms fact sheet. There's 24 pages of good information there."

Skinny Shooter
02-08-2008, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by rattus58
Ok great.... hahaha... you're not a liberal..... hahahaha..... ggoood one .... hahahaha... then you just don't do your homework....

Homework? Still stuck on that are ya? :)
If the guy is God's gift to the GOP, then why aren't the masses lining up?
Sure, just read his platform which makes him out to be the "true" conservative: http://www.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=Issues.Home
He is too perfect. When something seems to good to be true...
A gut feeling gives me the willys and don't care for him.
Now if he ends up as president we'll see if he stands by his convictions. If he does that, I'll be the first to say I underestimated him.

02-08-2008, 06:29 PM
To me Huckabee was the best choice by far. As governor he has stood up for the sportsman time and time again, but he does not have national recognition or the slick ways of af Arkansas' other governor turned president Slick Willy. For any dyed in the wool liberals out there mrs Slick Willy may be available. God help us if she wins.

02-08-2008, 07:22 PM
I like the Idea of a third party candidate.

If Brad Pitt was to run as an independent I don't think McCain or Clinton would be able to beat him. Thanks to the Enews channel and TMC, plus the People mags and such. Most people would feel they know him and relate to him more than any of the other front runners. Look at what the movies did for Conan the barbarian in CALIFORINIA.

Most people don't really know what issues any of the candidates stand for on any issue other than the war and right to life/gun rights anyway. (Except you fine posters on this board. of course)

I can't tell much difference in a conservative democrat or a liberal republican. GOP to me stands for GAS, OIL, and Power. Democrats spend to much money. My money.

When the republicans are in office i seem to build prisons, when the democrats are in office i seem to build schools. Other than that i don't see much of a difference. I still get paid every week.

How much liberal politics or conservative politics can one take before getting fed up with the whole ball of wax.

I do like the fact the more young voters are actually going to the polls. Those younger voters might just be the key to either side winning this election. Teach your children well.

02-08-2008, 07:26 PM
OH i forgot when the Indianapolis Colts win a Superbowl I build Stadiums.

02-08-2008, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by Skinny Shooter
Homework? Still stuck on that are ya? :)
If the guy is God's gift to the GOP, then why aren't the masses lining up?
Sure, just read his platform which makes him out to be the "true" conservative: http://www.mikehuckabee.com/?FuseAction=Issues.Home
He is too perfect. When something seems to good to be true...
A gut feeling gives me the willys and don't care for him.
Now if he ends up as president we'll see if he stands by his convictions. If he does that, I'll be the first to say I underestimated him.

Huckabee is to best judged by the job he did as Governor, not by rhetoric. Huckabee should be judged by how many voted for him during these primaries in his home state. Huckabee should be judged by what he carries in his wallet... which for a hunter, should be encouraging... he is a Ducks Unlimited member, He is an NRA member, he has a concealed carry permit.. he is totally and has always been against abortion, as I have as well.... and when you total the votes he got from his state versus romney and what he got from his state..... Thank you, I'll take the word of people whom he served FIRST.

Now... as to what I wondered where you got your info from, you seem to be ignorant of Romney and what he actually stood for... that is.. what had he voted for....

02-08-2008, 11:23 PM
Slick Willie carried Arkansas too by a big margin..but ya just had to understand that they had already been served by him for 8 yrs or so. They were just trying to get him outta the state>:D :D

Don't know about the huckleberry but I coulda voted for Thompson in good conscience. Now as to the abortion issue since you are a man....I don't think you should really have a say in the abortion issue unless you're gonna get changed enough to have a young'un. Now don't go ajumpin on me big time. I ain't saying I agree or disagree with abortion. I just feel that if the woman can live with herself it ain't any of my business one way or the other...no matter which way she goes. And I really don't think it is any body elses business delving into someone's personal life. And don't go telling me it is murder or whatever as that hasn't really been decided....except as a personal belief. As I said...not my business or yours. Now soon as I am able to have a young'un,,,mebbee I'll change my mind

02-09-2008, 09:05 AM

Abortion is a touchy subject, and I don't know exactly where I stand on it. I guess I am for allowing really early term abortions, but I am definitely against late term abortions.

My wife just had a lady come into her pharmacy the other day for the morning after pill. She is married and a mother of two, and she was raped. Tough to tell her that she shouldn't be taking the morning after pill.

On the flip side, I wouldn't want a woman deciding to abort my child at 8 months of pregnancy. I think that is illegal in all the states, but I could be wrong.

Again, abortion is a touchy subject, especially since we have no idea for sure when a baby is actually alive. Nobody has been able to ask an aborted fetus if it felt pain while being aborted. Nobody has been able to ask a fetus whether or not it is currently alive and thinking at any stage through its development. The unknown is what makes this such a tough subject.

02-09-2008, 12:27 PM
Thompson would've been my first choice as well... especially since he had the highest conservative rating of them all.

Romney voted for gun control.. and though I'm not a single issue voter, that is a big one for me. Romney signed on for gay marriage, and I guess with two guys trying to procreate there might not be much of an abortion issue... but I'm a christian who believes life starts at the beginning. I also believe in responsibility. Often times abortion is about IRRESPONSIBILITY..along with entitlemens.

Romney is clearly a much better choice from the standpoint of running a business and fiscal responsibility... He has a better handle on terror I think too, as well as the border, but long term, tax cuts and less regulation is going to be the benefit to the economy.

Making Healthcare MANDATORY so we can pay for 20 million illegals is going to affect the economy in a huge way.

I don't like McCain. I have as visceral a feeling about McCain as I do about Slick Willy.

What I said about Huckabee carrying his state, is not the same as "willy" carrying his.... Huckabee was in competition with all of the other republicans, as was Romney..... Romney didn't get the votes from his own state, Huckabee did in a HUGE way. That tells me more about a governor than his rhetoric.

Aloha... :cool:

Rocky Raab
02-09-2008, 06:59 PM
I said it before, and will again.
I was a FredHead.

But now that he's gone, I'll vote for the Republican nominee. Why? Because even a syphillitic chimp would be better than Hillary or (even worse, perhaps) Obama.

I'd rather have a semi-liberal/semi-conservative than ANY outright socialist.

And don't even breathe "suicide voting" to me. It was morons like that who got us the 2006 Democrat-controlled Congress AND McCain as the nominee.

02-09-2008, 07:08 PM
Why am I loathe to agree with you.....:( :mad:

Aloha... :cool:

02-09-2008, 09:59 PM
I agree abortion is a touchy subject. I am not certain I agree with it or not. In the case of rape and other not so nice things I am all for it. Otherwise as i said. Since I am a man I don't think it is any of my business. I also agree in the last trimester it should not be done. Just my feelings you know. As Rattus said since he is a "christian"(what am I?) he FEELS life begins at conception. I do agree that much of abortion is about irresponsibility. But the issue is so basic that people don't care to hear any ones other viewpoints pro or con. They have their minds"made up" so the argument cannot be won by either side. My basic instinct though, being an American, is that it is not my business and/or any one else's business. For the same reason I also think the government should stay out of private lives concerning abortion...or the right to have and use firearms. When it comes to firearms I am a one issue voter...for without them we are no longer free and must do as the government tells us...no matter who is in the White House. If you do not understand that Rattus...remember that you have the right to state your opinions as long as you have the means to protect your rights. Without those means..you are a lost soul. And if you or anyone that reads these words doesn't understand that then I feel you are going to help drag the rest of us into your cesspool of life. BTW I really don't care an awful lot for McCain...but there is no way in HE!! I could vote for Hillary or Osama...Romney either for that point:rolleyes:

02-09-2008, 10:41 PM
Skeet... I don't know what you are... whether you are a Christian or not.... but where do YOU believe life begins skeet? If its ok for you at 3 months why not 9? If its not ok at 9 months for you, why is it at 6?

Touchy? There is nothing touchy about skeet, you are just being a coward. You either belieive in abortion or you do not. You believe life begins at 6 months and not at conception? What does conception mean skeet?

I don't believe that the FED's should be in the abortion business... that you DO SKEET is something YOU have to live with.

I don't know what BS you're spouting about a womans right to choose and all that crap except make yourself feel good, abortion is killing babies and the FED'S don't belong in that business.

As for the rest of it... I hope you sleep well with McCain as President when 2nd amendment rights come up. He's sold out the 1st amendment and you think the second is safe.... Sleep tight

02-10-2008, 02:06 AM
Attack someone else. As I said this is an argument that I(or God) couldn't win with you anyway. You, as most radical "christians"or muslims for that matter, have a closed mind. You can't win an argument with a closed and very narrow mind. I probably know as much or more about the christian religion as you think you do. It seems all you really like to do is argue as much as anything. With your closed and small mind just remember that you could possibly be wrong. I will not even attempt to argue any of this with you or anyone else. Question your own ethics before you look elsewhere. Oh...I'm sorry. How stupid of me! No possible way you could be wrong:rolleyes: !
To everyone else..sorry I got him started. Which means Rattus, I won't answer any more of your attacks on me or anyone else from here on. Discussions are one thing..argument for arguments sake is just dumb.

02-10-2008, 02:46 AM
Skeet you make me laugh.... you disparaged Huckabee, not me. I said that Romney supported abortion, Huckabee didn't.... You are the one that brought up all the rest of the stuff and then you made a quite ludicrous statement... that you support abortion in the case of rape... but you're not sure about the rest, but never in the last tri-mester... ????

You're not reading me very carefully and or you must have a lot of guilt... radical??? Do I have a closed mind... not at all... except I do not believe that the Federal Government should be in the abortion business... what's radical about that?

Won't answer any of my responses... whose loss is that... not mine... especially since you are right, you were the one that decided to disparage someone else ... who I'm sorry to say, I just stuck up for him... him who so far tonight is whipping McCain in the polls that we get here in Hawaii at least...

But you either need to read more carefully Skeet or get rid of your guilt... So if this is the end of the communique Skeet, then I guess I'll wish you sweet dreams.... :)

Aloha... :cool:

02-10-2008, 01:32 PM
But the reasons may not have been clear. Rattus laugh on....but take this as the truth. The fact is you just want to argue. You make snide comments to people to make them get their dander up and I feel you do it on purpose. As if you feel you are the all knowing and without fault. Since you like to argue so much why not go to some place where people like to argue. I had the idea you may have had SOME redeeming qualities. I know now that I was wrong. Done with ya, bud..go somewhere else to argue....as I will not:D

02-10-2008, 01:46 PM
You know Skeet.... I have no redeeming qualities... why should I. I'm a rat on a lily pad... :) Of course if you'd care to give ANY example of what you're concerned about I'd be willing to consider my position... however, I'm not here arguing Skeet, and snide remarks?? Who's doing all the name calling here? Or do I need to cite YOUR examples?

02-10-2008, 01:47 PM
"BTW I really don't care an awful lot for McCain...but there is no way in HE!! I could vote for Hillary or Osama...Romney either for that point."

Me too. :D FWIW, McCain is for a PERMANENT AWB. :mad: Whether he goes for it if elected is something we'll just have to wait and see.
I have mixed feelings on the abortion issue. Whether it is right or wrong is something I'm just not sure of. However, I do have to agree with Skeet on one point. Since I'll never get pregnant, I don't feel I have any say in the matter. Put it this way. If I ever do, it will definitely be a miracle of the first water. :rolleyes:
With that said, I also feel like some, that the government should stay out of the issue, but I also feel that the religious zealots should also BUTT OUT! In fact they should also butt out of everything else they do not approve of. What business it it of mine if two guys or two women want to get it on with each other. it's their business. They are the ones who will have to answer to God, just as I will have to answer for all my sins, and there is a bunch of them. :( Frankly, I believe that if all these evangelicals get their way, they will be no better than the Taliban. I have no problem with them lving their lives according to their beliefs. Just do not try shoving them down my throat. I'm just liable to shove back.
Skeet. I agree with some of what you posted and disagree with some of it. That's life.
Rattus. I respect your beliefs and if you live them as you should, way to go. I don't necessarily agree with some of them. Again, that's life.
We've all been given the free will to do as we please. We alone have to answer for our sins
Not trying to be a wise a$$ here, but voting for either the Hildabeast or Yomama Obama would probably count as sins deserving of the hot fire down below.
Paul B.

Rocky Raab
02-10-2008, 04:03 PM
Most political threads devolve into heated name calling. Sorry this one did.

Thread locked.