View Full Version : Haircut Today

Dan Morris
02-09-2008, 08:07 PM
Getting a little nostalgic today..... went to an ole Buddy's barbershop...known him sense basic training.......Joe had a young
preppy in the chair.....Joe always has nostalgic music going......
today, Green Berets.....kid was grousing about not liking 'country
music'...Joe said it wasn't cm....kid whined '"I don't like it"Joe asked me ..who is the singer.....I replied."SSG Barry Gene Saddler, infantry..Special Forces.."1965/1967"....
Mr Arleano proceeded to take the cape off him and said "Gringo...you are in the wrong shop...get up and let the SGT set down"! Probably means nothing..except to Billy and a few vets....listened to a few more tapes.......
Saddler and Johnny Rodriquez.........old 8track of John Wayne...American....we talked.....visited a while....
had a drink together and came home.....I applaud his idea of refusing service! Salude Amigo!

02-09-2008, 08:14 PM
If it wasn't so far I'd come down for a haircut.

Thats my kinda guy.

Best wishes, Bill

Aim to maim
02-10-2008, 01:07 PM
If ever a barber deserved a tip, yours did that day. Thanks for your service and for sharing the story.