View Full Version : I am losing my Grit's Dog

02-10-2008, 12:01 AM
I mentioned that Grits my pointer has been very sick. I think He might not make it thru the week-end. This evening he had his first heart attack. For those who have been thru it, its a horrible thing to see. For those who havent, consider it a blessing. He got up on his own in the last hour, is very thirsty and wants to urinate alot. They have determined that he has something called
Protein-Losing Enteropathy. His muscles are just about gone as he just couldnt retain his weight, no matter what we did. The vet called tonight and reinterated his heart was a muscle and that he might have more attacks in the next hours. He doesnt seem to be in pain which is a God Send...

02-10-2008, 12:35 AM
Hate the hear that Val.

Is there anything to be done? or is it mainly old age?

Had to put my baby to sleep a couple of years ago, still miss him.

02-10-2008, 12:44 AM
I thought Enteropathy was an Intestinal disease. I don't get the connection here.

Is he an older dog? Sometimes the body mechanisms just shut down with age. Body parts wear out too.

I'm not one to suggest putting animals to sleep but for his well being as well as your own you might want to consider that option. Look at all the faithful service he has given you. But if he is not in pain maybe it's best to let him expire naturally. It's a tough decision.

We'll be thinking about him.

Best wishes, Bill

02-10-2008, 02:55 AM
I am very sorry to hear about this. Six years ago, I had to deal with a golden retriever that was suffering from kidney failure. It was extremely hard to try and make decisions as to his well being. The vet told us that for several thousands of dollars, they could probably keep him alive for another 3 months, but his quality of life would be horrible and he would be in a lot of pain. It took my girlfriend and I a couple days to decide what to do, but we ultimately decided that we should have him put to sleep. Witnessing that was terrible. Having him pass away in my arms was terrible. I cringe every time I think of having to make that decision about Nitro, and I hope I never have to make it. Lordy, don't even get me started thinking about my parents. Val, I'm about to start crying just thinking about this, so I cannot imagine what you are going through.

Keep your chin up and remember that we will eventually meet them in heaven. Life is short, but heaven is eternal.

02-10-2008, 03:05 AM
Hey fabs

I like the old saying "If dogs don't go to heaven I want to go where they went".


02-10-2008, 04:14 AM
Originally posted by BILLY D.
Hey fabs

I like the old saying "If dogs don't go to heaven I want to go where they went".


sounds good to me!

02-10-2008, 06:48 AM
Its 6:42 am, I made him a small bowl of grits and eggs, he had a few bites but really wants the ice. When I let him out a few minutes ago some birds were making a racket in the tree next door. His head came up and he had the prettiest 12:00 point then let his head back down to come back inside. Fabs I know how close you were and still are to Nitro. Shoot all of us here have our dogs that are like our kids. Billy he doesnt seem to be in any pain. He is just terribly thin and weak. Natural will be the way we are going. I am just stroking him and talkin to him, he likes that.

Dan Morris
02-10-2008, 11:31 AM
Hang tight, with the help of you folks, I've been through this!

huntingvet sent me one that I liked.

02-10-2008, 12:24 PM
I have also lost good hunting buddys and words cannot explain the agoney of this.

02-10-2008, 06:57 PM
I'm sorry to here that Val. Our old springer died of old age two springs ago, he was 19, and we had to put down our vizsla last spring, she was 13. I know how you feel and I wish you well.


02-11-2008, 12:29 PM
Sorry Val..you sure gettin rained on this new year of 08...hope get all the whammies out of the way soon....our little buddies sure do make memories for everyone..it is a hard thing to do like Fabs did holding them..have had to do that a few times now and sure is hard. Even had to watch my beagle buddy take a 12 ga right in front of me. A??holes everywhere..Gotta watch who ya hunt with. I watch them shows on tv and they shoot right over the heads of the bird dogs...geezzzz too close for me.
We just lost our Boxer at 9 yrs a week ago...got lymphoma (think correct spelling) cancer. The second Boxer to cancer. They sure do make life interesting though when there are doing well....Nice to give a dog a home too...think of gettin another one?...I like what Billy said..I want to go where they go too..but while here...give a good home to a pup.

02-11-2008, 02:21 PM
We lost our older one just about a year ago, and when I think about him it still brings tears. You have my heartfelt sympathy. I know how much you love this dog and my heart aches for you. I hope that you just remember the good times. Sorry to hear about this.

02-11-2008, 09:21 PM
Thanks everyone..he was at the vets at 8am took more blood will dtermine his deficiency and do another IV tomorrow, tonight he is wobbly and week and wont eat a thing...I hope he doesnt crash on me like he did the other night, dont think his little system will tolerate it. Got a vet in England, a vet from University of Florida and our guy here. They are all working in conjunction to pull the dog thru since this is so rare. I know in my heart they are pulling out any and all stops to see what works, but maybe it will help another dog who encounters this. We are keeping him comfortable "I guess" and he has our undivided attention...from th studies that have been done,,"and I quote, There appears to be no breed predilection in cats, but one canine study found pointers, Weimaraners and Brittany spaniels to be at increased risk"Incubation period is 12 to 16 days.Doesnt appear to be contagious

02-12-2008, 04:13 PM
How is the dog today, any better?

02-13-2008, 07:47 AM
I stopped at Winn Dixie and got him chicken livers and beef liver, he seems to like that ok, but wont go near a dog bowl. Have to hand feed him and he is not taking much. They ran another blood test and he has some kind if intestional infection so we were told to get him cipro, which I have a boat load of ...will probably do an IV again today, his feces are like water so I know he isnt retaining anything. Took ensure and pedialite and froze them in little ice cube trays, sometimes it eat them willingly other times I take a syringe and force the liquids. Every waking moment is thinking what can I do to keep this dog eating. I know when he stops completely we have lost him. Thanks for your good wishes. My heart goes out to all of you that love and lost your animals .Here is a fine pic of Grits at his prime:

02-13-2008, 07:57 AM
I do recall the turkey baster and the electrolites with my last dog. I hope your situation turns out better. I also hope your vet will tell you if and when it is time to put the puppy down.
Best to you and Grits.

02-14-2008, 03:48 PM
My heart goes out to you, Val. I do know what your going thru. Keep your chin up and we'll all be thinking of you and your little guy.

02-14-2008, 09:37 PM
Ok... I think I could be hallucinating the 70's and maybe early 80's??? but I really think Grits is turning around. I took one dose of the all the xperts advice and 90 percent of Valeries Q's from the dog and Grits is literally 180 degrees from what he was 30 hours ago. He is alert, he is up, he is even humping my leg, dont want to get my hopes up to much,,, but c'mon he is humping my leg, I would say we have taken a turn for the better...his stool had just a bit of firmness tonight, Jeez who knew my best Valentine present this year would be firmer stools, hey I'll take it....man I feel good, this is great....this is the definition of happiness....

02-14-2008, 10:13 PM
I was gald tosee your last post that it looks like things may be taking a turn for the better.

I have my 13 year old lab laying at my feet while I type. I dread the time when the invitable comes as any pet becomes a part of the family.

02-14-2008, 11:23 PM
Val Gal

Glad to hear Grits is getting better.

The more I think about it, the symptoms seem a lot like Parvo. Any connection?

I'm sure the vets have set up the foods he will need to eat to get back to normal and regain strength and weight. I would be willing to bet they are telling you about the low survival rate for these type illnesses.

Really glad to hear he's improving. Humping your leg is just his way of thanking you for hanging in there.

Best wishes, Bill

02-15-2008, 07:42 AM
That sounds great. Anytime a dog is interested in anything but laying down they are better. Perhaps a few day and proper diet and he will be up and about like a new dog. :D

02-16-2008, 07:45 AM
How is Grits doing?? I'm finally getting my new lab, Mickey today. after loosing Abbey 3 years ago. Dogs could be the greatest invention known to mankind

02-16-2008, 10:13 AM
Good for you, give him a kiss on the lips for me....

02-16-2008, 06:59 PM
I love my Nitro. CWA, have a great time with the new lab, and Val, have a great time with Grits.