View Full Version : whats the advantage

02-13-2008, 04:15 PM
what is the advantage between a bait caster reel and spin casterreel. I see the pros useing bait caster on tv

Rocky Raab
02-13-2008, 04:23 PM
Bait-casting gives you a bit more precise control of where to land the lure, can handle heavier lines and lures, has more brute cranking power for big fish and can -with a good caster- cast farther.

Spinning reels (open face) allow you to cast and reel without switching hands, handle lighter lines and lures, snarl less and have simpler mechanisms. Usually cheaper, too.

Spin-cast (closed-face) are a kind of hybrid, usually seen on beginner's outfits or outfits where the angler won't have a lot of finger dexterity, like ice fishing. They don't excel in any area except cost and ease of use.