View Full Version : gun values

02-20-2008, 09:23 PM
in an edition of BARGAIN HUNTER that I just got a dude is selling a "sportsman 58 2 3/4 in. 12 gauge auto shotgun, rarely used $275" on the phone the guy said his freind's granddad died and gave this gun to this guys brother, he died and his widder woman inherited it she gave it to this dude who is now advertising it in BARGAIN HUNTER. is it a good deal?
P.S. SASKATCHEWAN is bigger than Texas. And if you want hell to freeze over, come to Saskatchewan.


Dan Morris
02-20-2008, 09:58 PM
Mini, the 58 was replaced by the 1100 in the early 60's. I shot one on skeet till the 1100's came out. I don't remember any troubles with them. In good condition the price sounds about 50 too high. A vent rib and no choke modifications will increase the value.$275 should buy you a later mod Reminton.

02-21-2008, 01:03 AM
The 58 was a good skeet gun and a fait field gun but they had a couple too many problems. One the receiver cracked badly and almost every one I have seen was cracked including one that had only had 17 rounds fired in it. 2nd was they were a bear to clean compared to the 1100. Harder to take apart mainly. And the 1100 is a much better gun although much maligned by people who do not know how to make 'em work. Any gas gun can be finicky...even the 390-391 series of B guns. The Benelli guns work pretty well but they are short recoil operated and they have their foibles also...mainly reloaded ammo problems as the guns are made to operated in a narrow range of pressure/ recoil In my opinion buy an 1100 in good condition for that kind of money. I've even seen a few 11-87's for that kind of money, especially here in Wyoming and Montana

Oh I bought them too. That is one of the reasons i now have 19 1100 based guns

Dan Morris
02-21-2008, 06:48 AM
Dang, my apology...Skeet has brought up a item I'd forgotten on the 58....receiver cracks...I never had one do it but have heard of this. Sorry it slipped my mind!!!

Brother Rockeye
02-27-2008, 12:44 AM
gun show in Saskatoon this weekend Mini,good chance to do some shopping.