View Full Version : 40+ year old Virgin
02-27-2008, 09:48 PM
So when I was a young lad I saved my paperboy money to buy this special knife at the local sporting goods store. The knife was all shiny and perfect in everyway. It had a leather bound handle and matching leather sheath. I held it in my sock drawer in the back corner with my other prized possessions. My friend made comments about how foolish I was to waist my money on that knife when I could have bought ice-cream or other foolish thing with the money. Every so often someone would ask to see my knife and they would glare at the mirror like surfaces with envy and lust. I still have that knife and I still can’t bring myself to cut anything with it. The knife is a fricken 40+ year old virgin. It has never even been allowed to cut a piece of string. I tried to wear it in the past but it was to no avail, all I would ever do with it was to pull it to show someone. It’s razor sharp, but never been sharpened. I’m not sure anyone else has ever touched my knife ?
The knife is a Case XX 3 FINN with about a 4 inch blade.
I just found it again wrapped up in the back of the safe. So what do I do with it ?
1) Pass it on to my boys with direction to never cut anything with it or they will be cursed.
2) Sell it to someone for it’s imaginary value.
3) Dig some weeds with it to set it free and start using it.
4) Seal it and bury it deep in the forest for someone to find hundreds of years from now.
02-27-2008, 10:27 PM
I'm all about heirlooms. I have my Uncle's knife that he had when he was in the Boy Scouts. It's marked "BSA" at the base of the blade along with his initials "W. E. Annis. My Grandfather knew old Cherokee that he was somehow related to make a leather sheath for the knife. I have that knife; it's my deer knife. They, my Grandpa and my Uncle, have gutted many deer and elk with it so it's not the "virgin" that spike talks about but I will still be just as proud to turn it over to one of my boys when the time comes. I have my Grandpa's 30-06 and I look forward to the day I turn it over to one of my boys.
If I had to vote I'd vote Option '1'
02-28-2008, 02:14 AM
my grandfather passed away 9 years ago at the age of 91. He was a first generation immigrant, and also in his late 20's, became a first generation hunter. He worked and retired at the sugar mill as a machinist. Two things that he owned now are in my posession. A Remington m722 in .300 savage, and an old knife made by his own 2 hands, a handle made out of red rubber and aluminum washers strewn up on tang (made from a welded bolt) contained by an aluminum pommel machined out of a big nut, and a stainless steel handguard which guides the 8 1/2" Atlantic steel forged blade into many an unlucky wild pig. Took up leatherwork a few years ago and made my very first case for it with the name "GRAMPS" stamped on the side. It won't win any knife shows for sure, and the blade needs TLC as ain't as rust resistant as those shiny new Bucks and Spydercos, but you can find it hanging from my hip where ever and whenever I'm hunting, he taught me to hunt, and he watches over me througout my hunts, and I wouldn't sell it for anything.... well maybe a million bucks... hehehe A virgin? Hell no, that old whore's been killin' critters for over 70 years! Maybe I'll post a pic later when I find out what I did with my camera...
with that said... option 5 is send it to Boarhunter...
02-28-2008, 07:41 AM
Definitely option 1.
02-28-2008, 09:59 AM
I'd go with a option #3, and then when you do pass it on to your scions, they will have something that Dad used and enjoyed.
"Used knives" have always been more interesting to me than older new-in-the-box models. I have several favorite sheath knives that will be passed on to my kids, but none are virgins.
To avoid your "virgin issue," I try to use every new knife to cut something the first day I own it. Same with firearms.
About 30 years ago, I bought a brand new Colt .45 Peacemaker for about $325. It was so pretty, i could never bring myself to shoot it, and it lived in the bottom of the gun cabinet, unfired, for 25 years. I often took it out to handle, admire, etc. but never shot it. About 25 years later, I sold it for $900 - still unfired. I then resolved not to ever do that again. Guns and knives are made to be used!
02-28-2008, 11:21 AM
Option #5 send it to the moderator of the huntchat small game forum. . . . . :D
Seriously put it on your belt and enjoy it. They don't make them quite like that anymore. A knife is ment to be used not stuffed in a glass box to oohhhh and aaahhhh at. Even if it were the history value of it to you would be worth alot more than what anybody could pay you in my estimation.
Heres an idea. Make an effor this year to kill one of every legal animal just to skin them and butcher them with it. Then after you have taken every possible legal north American game and used it to dress them out THEN wipe it down with a good amount of 3-in-1 household oil and store it in the back of the cabinet again with a book. Inside the book take a picture of the knife before you start and tell the history of it. Then take a picture of each animal you clean with it, and pictures of your family enjoying the food they provide with a detailed story about each hunt. Now when your kids get it passed on to them it will be a REAL treasure. Just make sure its in your will they have to do the same thing with it at least once.
My 2 cents.
I'd use it, and then pass it down, it'll have more of a story. I guess it's nice to buy something new and never use, I've done it too. But there could always be something happen, water pipe break, fire, lose it, or whatever. So as much as possible, I live by the philosphy of 'use it but don't abuse it', Waidmannsheil, Dom.
03-03-2008, 12:56 PM
i'm in the same boat with my Paul Knife by Gerber. except i did make themistake of useing it for some time. now i'm afraid i'll loose it. and to top that off i just aquired a damascus kelgin bird and trout knife that is definately used but i'm afraid to take out. :confused:
Rick R
03-05-2008, 08:13 PM
Okay, here's my two cents. I would pick options 1 and 3! That particular knife means very much to you - so much that you have never used it. Keep it as it is and pass it on to your boys. Option 3 is buy and use knives that you can also pass on to your boys and they will appreciate the value knowing that you used the knife as well. Then you have the best of both worlds. No doubt a 40+ year virgin knife in pristine condition would bring a pretty penny. But you will regret that decision the moment you make the deal.
03-06-2008, 12:19 AM
OK , I'd use it till I was ready to pass it along.
As stated b4 a knife with a used history is much more intriguing in my opinion than one that has set around and not stirred any waters. :)
03-06-2009, 07:20 PM
Id say # 1 but dont wish any curses on anyone (be careful what ya wish for ) type of thing.......
03-06-2009, 07:56 PM
option #1 or #1 and #3, all depends on what you want.
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