View Full Version : ruger 10/22

03-09-2008, 04:12 PM
i'm in the middle of 'modifying' my 10/22. i'm having a great deal of fun and pleasure in this project.

so far:

cleaned, sanded and bedded stock (the standard walnut stock) as it was damaged when i received the rifle.

bored a breech cleaning access hole in the rear of the receiver.

extended the magazine release latch

shortened and recrowned the barrel (it was damaged when i received the rifle)


install volquartsen hammer, polish trigger sear and refinish the barrel & receiver by painting with brownells gun-kote.

it is taking some time and effort but hey...lotsa enjoyment...

03-09-2008, 05:43 PM
I really love my 10/22. Just don't get enough time to shoot it. I have a Volquartsen trigger group, Green Mountain stainless steel bull barrel which is a lot more accurate than the Butler Creek piece I had on it, a Hogue overmolded stock, and a Burris Fullfield II 3-9x scope. Oh yeah, forgot about the Harris bipod.

Next thing I'm going to start playing around with is an AR-15.

03-20-2008, 10:30 AM
Did the works with a 10/22 including SS barrel, trigger grp and a red, white and blue thumbhole stock. Fun project and gun but heavy.
Sold it and bought CZ 452, now that am a 'walking-around gun' that am accurate too. Got a TC Classic to feed my semi-auto need with the left over change. Most accurate out of the box s-auto I've owned.

03-20-2008, 12:01 PM
I haven't done a lot to my 10/22. I did glass bed it, put in a good trigger and do some polishing, and put a Burris 3-9 RA on it, in good mounts.
So far, I havent felt the need to do anything else.