View Full Version : T33 hand gun

03-10-2008, 04:23 PM
I have been seeing them in the shot guns news and have been kicking the idea around of getting one.
Does anyone have one and how do they shoot?

03-10-2008, 06:12 PM
TT33 is a decent pistol, I really enjoy mine.

It handles _all_ surplus 7.62x25 ammo i have been able to find without problems, and handles the new production FNM, and S&B ammo just as well.

The other common 7.62x25 pistol, the CZ-52 is great as well, but can be very picky about which surplus ammo it will fire because of the crimps used and tight chambers.

TT33 does not have that problem.
The TT33 i have has only one problem, and that is the magazine release is worn. I have had trouble finding a replacement.

Other than that it is quite an enjoyable little pistol.
accurate, "fairly" small (which is great for people with smaller hands), and very reliable.

prices are not bad, but they are rising. If you find one in decent shape for a decent price, I would jump on it ASAP.
If you get one I woul also recommend getting 3-5 mags for it since it only holds 8 at a time.

03-13-2008, 07:32 PM
thank you i do have a cz52

03-14-2008, 09:50 PM
They make a good pair.

My CZ-52 is more accurate ( after i get used to the weird grip), but the tt-33 is soooo much more reliable with surplus 7.62x25.