View Full Version : Bought a Remington 870 for 15 minutes

Joe Boleo
03-23-2008, 10:15 AM
I have been shoppping at one gun shop for almost 40 years and have always done very well in many, many transactions. They had a lovely used 870 Wingmaster on the rack and I bought it cheap. I took the shotgun to my girlfirends house nearby for a thorough cleaning. When the action pins were removed and the trigger group withdrawn from the receiver, small parts fell out of the action. These parts should be staked in place. The action bars and forend came out along with the bolt and the bolt carrier.

I put the shotgun back together and returned it to the gun shop for a full refund. The shop manager apologized and did not hassle me. These things happen and our relationship is in tact. It pays to be a frequent customer and deal with a reputable gun shop. Take care...

03-23-2008, 05:46 PM
The problem is I am a frequent shopper at two many gun shops. ;) The one I hit the most if I pick up some bullets, powder or some thing it always less than the marked price, but he know that if he don`t get all of my money today I`ll be back in a week or less and he`ll get alittle more of it. ;)

Gil Martin
03-24-2008, 09:28 AM
I hate it when that happens. Glad the gun shop took care iof you. All the best...

03-24-2008, 05:30 PM
When disassembling a Rem. 870, remember the trigger group comes out last. The feed or shell latches need restaking, any competent gunsmith can do this. Proper take down is to remove barrel, depress shell (feed) latches slide the forend forward and bolt and carrier will come out. Now drive out pins and remove the trigger group, reassemble in reverse order. If gun is priced right go back and get it, have him restake shell (feed) latches and knock off another $25 for your troubles. Hard to beat 870s.

Joe Boleo
03-24-2008, 06:33 PM
According to the Remington handbook that came with my 870 Wingmasters, the disassembly instructions state the following order. Trigger plate assembly is removed by tapping out the front and rear trigger plate pins and lifting the rear of the trigger plate from the receiver. Next is removal of the barrel and forend assembly unit and bolt may be removed.

I prefer to remove the barrel then take out the trigger plate assembly. According to Remington this is just fine. Take care...

03-25-2008, 05:50 AM
Agree with Popplecop, if the price is right, a few new parts and a little work and you'd be in the ballgame. A little project that just might give you a good shooter, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

03-25-2008, 06:18 AM
Rem. must have changed their minds. Years ago they said that the trigger group was last thing removed, first replaced. This is what they taught in their Armours School. To this day this is what I follow with oput any problems. The shell (feed) latches staking system was never very high on my list, but a cheaper way to manufactuer, but no big deal to restake.