View Full Version : AGAIN! It happened AGAIN!

03-24-2008, 10:18 AM
Yesterday I went out to the chicken pen to check on the month old chicks we had just put on the ground. I thought "Hey a nice Easter Sunday, after lunch etc etc I will just wander out and take a look." I get out there and I cannot see ANY of the chicks, NOR several of my full grown chickens. I open the gate and get halfway across the pen when a rotweiler/lab cross charges from around the hen house snarling and barking. I manage to break a ironwood post over his head and get out of the pen. Go to the house get the 30-30. Bang. Another one down. Called the Sheriff dept this morning. They want a list of what all was killed, etc. To add to their growing pile.

For our records
1 full sized brown leghorn hen
5 barred rock pullets approx 4 weeks old
1 four week old female turkey
30-30 ammo

You know getting attacked by dogs TWICE in a month and a half in your own yard is enough to make a man nervy. . . . .

I am telling you watch your dogs. If this thing had gotten ahold of Tanner I have no doubt I would have lost him.


03-24-2008, 02:09 PM
If I were in your shoes, I don't think I would go outside without having a gun on me. I'm not a big fan of Rottweilers, especially when they are attacking me.

03-24-2008, 03:18 PM
fabs I always carry when in the field, but heck man I was JUST going to the chicken pen in the MIDDLE of the day! After dark, yeah I probably would have had a shotgun with bird shot in it for coons, possums, etc. But during the day?

Yeah I can honestly say I will be packing even to go to the mailbox for a good while.


03-24-2008, 09:43 PM
Hey man,, Ya gotta carry all the time while at home. I do...and most all the time anyway. I must admit carrying a piece is a PIA. I have now shot 6 coyotes with my 45..in the middle of the day

03-26-2008, 08:39 PM
In my years in running a game bird hatchery I have had problems with all breeds of dogs and the bottom line is I get rid of them.
Don't get me wrong I feel awful about doing this and would really like to get the owners who have no respect for their animals or others property.
We are covered under State Law for getting rid of these uncontrolled animals but it is still such a shame.