03-24-2008, 10:18 AM
Yesterday I went out to the chicken pen to check on the month old chicks we had just put on the ground. I thought "Hey a nice Easter Sunday, after lunch etc etc I will just wander out and take a look." I get out there and I cannot see ANY of the chicks, NOR several of my full grown chickens. I open the gate and get halfway across the pen when a rotweiler/lab cross charges from around the hen house snarling and barking. I manage to break a ironwood post over his head and get out of the pen. Go to the house get the 30-30. Bang. Another one down. Called the Sheriff dept this morning. They want a list of what all was killed, etc. To add to their growing pile.
For our records
1 full sized brown leghorn hen
5 barred rock pullets approx 4 weeks old
1 four week old female turkey
30-30 ammo
You know getting attacked by dogs TWICE in a month and a half in your own yard is enough to make a man nervy. . . . .
I am telling you watch your dogs. If this thing had gotten ahold of Tanner I have no doubt I would have lost him.
For our records
1 full sized brown leghorn hen
5 barred rock pullets approx 4 weeks old
1 four week old female turkey
30-30 ammo
You know getting attacked by dogs TWICE in a month and a half in your own yard is enough to make a man nervy. . . . .
I am telling you watch your dogs. If this thing had gotten ahold of Tanner I have no doubt I would have lost him.