View Full Version : Another reason to oad Barnes X

03-30-2008, 04:57 PM
All of the remaining venison contributed for food pantry distribution in three states is being dumped due to possible lead contamination. Studies show that well over 60 % of the study sample had lead fragments (most so small that they can only be seen on X ray). Over half million lbs were contributed by hunters in Minn. N.D. and Wisc. last season. No mention made of how much had already been consumed.

03-30-2008, 07:27 PM
Gee, no wonder they tell us hunters we have lead in our A$$.

This is just another libby boondogle to make hunters look bad.

Our Fish and Game, North Dakota, said a test wasn't even done on the amounts or size of the pieces.

If you eat the deer you shot chances are you faced the same amounts of lead. What a bunch of excretement.


Dan Morris
03-30-2008, 07:55 PM
Ifn they want to get rid of it, I'll buy another freezer. I have never lived my life in a safety bubble and I'm sure not afraid of it!
Utopic things do not exist.
Just mio dos centavos.

04-18-2008, 02:26 PM
Haven't we hunters been eating venison shot with lead bullets all these years with no apparent ill effects? Sounds to me like some more animal rights propaganda. :rolleyes:

04-19-2008, 06:25 AM
Is that`s what`s wrong with you. You`ve been eating all that lead and now your all crazed killers. :D Yea, you all waant your meat dead befor you eat it. :rolleyes: Why I`ll bet your so preverted that you even toucher plants by cooking them befor you eat them. :eek: Bad bunch you lead eating hunters. :rolleyes:

04-20-2008, 05:47 PM
Can they prove to me that the fragments are in fact lead and not bone? I think I've seen more bone fragments in the deer I've shot that pieces of lead.
Typical liberal BS! :mad:
Paul B.

04-20-2008, 10:37 PM
Lead doesn't hurt you in it's solid form like fragments ??? It's in it's chemical form like in paint or disolved with acid that it is dangerious . Usually if you get shot they don't even take the bullet out unless they think it will cause problems later.

04-26-2008, 03:21 PM
When I called PETA about this they confirmed that lead is a serious problem for hunters and they strongly suggested we immediately stop shooting deer. "Pass the word," I was told. The conversation was going well until I suggest clubbing them to death. We got disconnected.

Mike Moss
04-26-2008, 10:03 PM
I would ask many questions before I accepted the finding. Whats suspect is the anti hunting and anti gun crowd.

Many deer that I shoot get hit in the ribs and none of that makes its way into the meat thats used.

Sure enough it will turn out that the deer all have lead in them before they are shot.

Tall Shadow
05-01-2008, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by spike1
Lead doesn't hurt you in it's solid form like fragments ??? It's in it's chemical form like in paint or disolved with acid that it is dangerious . Usually if you get shot they don't even take the bullet out unless they think it will cause problems later.


I don't remember what government group/department did the environmental impact study, but it was on "The effects of lead in gun range burms".

One of the Anti's latest cries has been that the lead "IS contaminating the soil, and all of the local groundwater!"


As it turned out, they found that the lead formed a fairly impermeable Oxide layer almost immediately upon exposure to the air/moisture.....rendering it basically inert, for all intents and purposes.

It made sense, after all, lead is a mined metal, and if it was so easily dissolved in water/soil, it would be all over the place.

Tall Shadow

05-08-2008, 01:41 PM
I suspect that the battle against lead has just begun. I hate to mention it but what is a traditional muzzle stuffer going to use -- magnum size 'heavy shot'? I personally have never used sabotted bullets in my muzzle stuffer. I have only shot a few steel shot loads in my shotgun and won't do that any more. I have no problem going with Barnes, but to have some limp-wrist law maker tell me that is required. Well lets just say that I should not post such things as what is going through my mind on the WEB! Perhaps just saying that 'I hate it' will suffice.