View Full Version : Info on AR's for varminting

Skinny Shooter
03-31-2008, 11:49 AM
Some good reading here.

Reading about using 6mm bullets for hunting is making it hard to wait to try out the 243win Savage on chucks... :p

03-31-2008, 05:46 PM
Acouple of years ago I saw a coyote that a guy hit with a .243 and a 55 gn. bullet. He hit the last rib and ripped it open over 2/3`s of the way around.

Tall Shadow
04-01-2008, 08:36 AM
I am not sure if you know about one of "The", if not "THE", source for all things "EBR"?!?!?

Ar15.com (http://www.ar15.com)

There is such a knowledge base there, that if you can not find it there, someone there, can (more than likely) show you where to find it.

If you need to, tell them I sent you over....

Tall Shadow

Skinny Shooter
04-01-2008, 02:01 PM
Catfish, thats pretty incredible. :eek:

Tall Shadow, thanks. I've been a member there for awhile. It does get interesting at times. Especially that entire bit with Gecko45 and the mall ninja saga... :D