View Full Version : Just Returned from Tulsa

04-09-2008, 09:32 AM
Just got back from Tulsa where a great time was had by all attending.
Look what followed me home. That is a Grulla #2L in 20ga, 26 inch barrels with Holland and Holland style engraving and Holland style sidelocks with Holland easy opening system. Little gun weighs in at 5.6 pounds. Neat little SxS quail and dove gun.

04-09-2008, 11:50 AM
Pretty little guns aren't they. Hope ya like it. Those things are getting expensive now. I happen to have one back in Md. Was gonna bring it with me but just forgot when I hadda run away from that overcrowded place. Gonna put it on Auction Arms...soon. Cabela's is going to get the Ithaca Grade 4 28 ga SxS Just don't have much use for SxS shotguns. although I seem to shoot them ok. I even have a D grade Parker..but never shoot it. I have one double I won't sell though. Winchester 21 20 ga...nice bird gun even if it only shoots twice.:eek: :D

04-09-2008, 05:49 PM
You think Cabellas will do a better job than the internet at say Shotgun World or Double Gun?

04-09-2008, 06:02 PM
They really aren't too hard to deal with. They want 15-20% though.... But that would be as much as 5000 bucks. So I just told them what I wanted from the gun and I'll let them try to sell it. We'll see..The Ithaca is kinda rare as they only made either 5 or 7..I can't really find out. When I got the gun I took it to the skeet club..Ran a straight with it first round. Just points nice. But I'm not gonna shoot it so I might as well let it go. Doubt if the money will make as much in the investment market though:confused: :D

04-09-2008, 07:30 PM
Small bore high grade guns are going up every day. The 28 and 410 Ithica guns are bringing $5,000 for an IDE. One of my customers has found a pile of Ithica parts and is putting together Ithica small bore guns on order, I think he has increased the price, started at 5k and might be at 7.5k now. A quality US built SxS is a real premium. I am building a 410 LC Smith. Been at it for four years. When I started they were 4k, now I understand they are about 9k. I traded a restoration place a few stock blanks for the inletting, when I get it back I will finish the wood then return the gun for checkering and metal finish. It will be an Oh Wow gun for the clays range.

04-22-2008, 12:54 PM
Hey Skeet,
Just got an email from Grulla. Turns out the little gun is not a #2 at all. It just looks like one. The #2 guns were started in 1989. This gun was built in 1988 and is a custom made 20ga which started out as with a 209 frame. Acording to Grulla it is a 209 more or less, that is an understatement. The barrels are chopper lump, 209s are not. They ran out of locks to fill the order so bought a set of AYA#2, 7 pin locks. The AYA locks are hand removable while the 209 locks are not. That is why the curved ribbon Grulla Armas is missing from the locks and the locks are engraved, not stamped, AYA.
AYA locks are not engine turned on the inside, Grulla locks are turned, these locks are turned. The 209 has plain wood this gun has fancy wood.

The little gun looks just like an AYA #2 right down to the engraving on the triggerguard, checkering, etc. It weighs 1 oz more than an AYA 28ga #2 owned by a friend. You put the two guns side by side and they are identical twins.

So all in all I am very pleased with my adoption. Oh, and it shoots too. Shot a couple of clays stations with it and it did just great.