View Full Version : Guess BBQ season is Back

Dan Morris
04-13-2008, 04:53 PM
Indian Attorney....friend of mine, came down from Wind River Res...(Wyoming) brought the ole goat a buffalo hind quarter.
We sawed and cut a 3" steak and put it on the smoaker/grill.
Man, talk about good....potato salad and jalipeno beans! We sat on the deck drank a few Buds and watched the smoke for bout
3 hours while this cooked...time to pig out!!!

04-13-2008, 06:12 PM
Guess BBQ season is Back

Was it ever gone?

Never had smoked buffalo but it sounds great. I had a buffalo burger a few years back and it was fantastic. I'm working on some ribs right now for dinner tonight; I love grillin:cool:

04-13-2008, 08:20 PM
Yeah BarBQue season never ends here either. But you go it right buddy, aint much better than sitting around a smoking pit for hours (particularly late into the evening) and just enjoying it. Even better with a few buddies around.
