View Full Version : Hope for Remington 597 (LR)

04-14-2008, 08:51 PM
The mechanical design of the Remington 597 meant this should have been a major innovation in the operation of the 22 Rifle. The use of SS guide rods seemed to be a great idea. In fact the entire mechanism should be almost impervious to dirt and that darn 22 dust. Yes, it’s a Remington and a tack driver. The most important characteristic of any 22 auto loader is the reliability of it’s action to load,,,, OUCH !

This 597 is the biggest piece of CRAP I have ever owned. Since 2002 I have done nothing but fight this thing. I have sent it back to Remington. I have done everything imaginable to get this thing to function. With a clean magazine it will go about 20 to 50 rounds before it has a major problems, but the problems may start at 20 and jam every other round ??? I have changed the magazine springs to heavier ones for Smith and Wesson. This was a big improvement but still junk. I modified a magazine with shims and epoxy to make it a single stack with a heavy spring. This is better but only hold 4 rounds (yes it’s rigged). At one time I considered cutting it up with a band-saw and sending it back to Remington to make a statement. On my yearly pilgrimage to (HOOTERS) looking to find the answers to the universe and solve the eternal question “why is this such a P.O.S.” ,,, I stumbled on some interesting information and prodded Remington with it.

Customer (Paul XXXXXXX) - 04/11/2008 11:38 PM
I bought a 597 (22 LR) a few years ago and am very upset with it. The metal magazine I got was not much better than the plastic. I was told there is a 3rd version of this magazine that would fix the problems ? Mine says "Model 597 22LR" and the new version just says "597" Is this true ?

And they answered !

Response (Pete) - 04/14/2008 09:17 AM
Dear Paul,

Thank you for contacting Remington Country.

Paul we do apologize for the inconvenience and I would be more than happy to send you out one of the newer magazines. May I get a mailing address and serial number of the gun sir?


So if you are the un-proud owner of one of these fine rifles that is sitting in the closet, there may be an answer ! Finally !

The Remington 597 is such a nice rifle I sure hope this is the answer.
I will keep you posted if this works.

04-14-2008, 09:19 PM
A good friend of mine has one and the only way he can get it to feed properly is to only 8 rnds in magazine. He has to carry extra mags to compensate but, as long as he only loads 8 rnds, it's still a tack driver.

I personally like the reliability of my 10-22 and the fact that I can load mags up to 50 rnds with no problems. Mine is only as accurate as his because I have a bull barrel installed. The 597 is a fantastic rimfire within it's limitations.

04-22-2008, 10:50 PM
I seen the new magazine in a new 597 at Dicks. It does look different than mine but is still crap pot metal.

Now if Reminton would only send mine ,,,,,,

04-30-2008, 06:51 PM
I still didn't receive the magazine ????


05-23-2008, 10:49 PM
It's over 30 days and no magazine has come yet. I just emailed them and told them to stop wasting my time with this POS 597. If they aren't going to send it just say so.

DON'T BUY A 597 :mad:

05-24-2008, 01:07 PM
There is no better advertisement than a happy customer. :D

05-25-2008, 12:25 AM
Sorry about yer Remington luck.

But I'm glad my Remington boycott remains validated!

05-25-2008, 10:16 PM
I can't wait until they respond to my email. While I wait another year for them to figure it out,,,, I purchased a Ruger 10/22. I shot it all day without 1 malfunction. Seems like Remington should have studied the competition and came up with something 1/2 as good.

06-02-2008, 10:49 PM
I just got an Email today from a nasty-gram I sent them last week. They assigned someone else to my case??? He gave me a 1800 number to call,,,, I hope he is in the US and not india.

Why don't they just send the frickin magazine:confused:

06-06-2008, 12:24 AM
If anyone is interested

I finally got to talk to Remington (Edie) over the phone today. He confirmed that they do infact have a new version of the magazine, and confirmed that no one sent me anything. He said he would send me a few (few?) right away.

So this is on June 5th, lets see if they follow through.

And if they work ????

06-26-2008, 12:54 AM
I finally got the magazines. That rifle shot 250 to 300 rounds without 1 jam. WOW ! This is the most rounds ever fired .in the entire life of this rifle.

Now Wait ???
I’m nor sure but it appears the firing pin broke??? The nice square dent it once gave is now a jagged spot. I’ll let you know more when I disassemble it.

07-04-2008, 09:45 PM
The firing pin was not broke. The firing pin retainer pin was eaten through by the firing pin and the firing pin was hanging out the back of the bolt ? Go figure this one out? With less than 1000 rounds through this rifle. :confused:

I think I need to make another call to Remington:eek:

10-05-2008, 02:06 AM
If it is bad I say so. If it is good I must also say so. Remington after years of screwing up has finally fixed the 597. Their latest version of the magazines did the trick. Before it was hard to even consider the rifle, what a “Jam-O-Matic” POS. With the new magazine in place the rifle has shot well over 500 rounds without even 1 jam.. Yes a 10-22 is a great rifle with 100’s of aftermarket parts available for it. I have a 10-22 and love it. I bought the 10-22 because my Remington 597 was such a POS . Now that the 597 is operational I can compare them side by side. Accuracy- they are both equal, trigger- slight advantage to the Remington, Balance and ability to just shoot it standing- big advantage to the Remington 597. Overall if you are nott going to touch the rifle just shoot it as-is with no modifications, the Remington 597 is one sweet rifle.

Note: The new magazines say “MODEL 597” only. If it says Remington or 22 LR or any other print it is an older version magazine.

If you have an older version magazine contact Remington and ***** at them. They sent me 3 free magazines to makeup for the ones I bought that were junk.

10-05-2008, 12:25 PM
I'm just an ol' guy who figured it out long ago that semi-auto's were invented to keep gunsmiths busy trying to get them to feed correctly. I have drifted to bolt adtions and hitting the target with the first shot instead of spraying and praying. ho ho:p Let the games begin.:D