View Full Version : Wich one ???

04-15-2008, 08:48 AM
Hi guys.
This past winter I did quite a bit of patterning with my Rem. 870 and various chokes using steel shot looking for a good goose hunting load.
Stangely enough, I found two opposite loads that look promissing.
The first is : Federal "fast steel" 1 1/8oz "BB" at 1550fps.
The second is: Winshester Super X Drylock
1 1/4oz "T" at 1400fps.
Both give pretty good patterns (+70%) at 40 yards.
So I would like to hear your opinions on wich would be best for Canada goose.

Thank you.

04-15-2008, 08:59 AM
The T shot load is a much better goose killin load than the BB's. It'll kill 'em close or long. There may be a few more BB's in that other load but they run out of steam at 40yds or so. Especially in the wind. When we had to go to steel.. I tried all of the steel loads and found that the T killed much better. BBB was ok too and has a few more pellets. Harder to find a good patterning load in though for some reason. My Mag 10's shot BBB pretty darn good though..and T was great. I could kill geese consistently at 55-60 yds . And that is a very long shot with a shotgun. Oh that was with a 12 ga.. The 10 was good for about 10-12 more yds. I used a light mod choke in the 12..10 ga I used Mod pass shooting

04-15-2008, 02:50 PM
I agree with Skeet. Use the T shot load. I only use BBB if I run out of T shot or I know the shots will be really close. The T shot just works really well. I try not to use BB at all on geese, but if that is the only thing available I try not to be too picky. Now, those references are all for steel shot.

With Hevi-Shot I use 2's for the first two shots and then BB for the third shot. However, that stuff is getting really expensive along with everything else in the world.