View Full Version : I collect TOO MUCH stuff.

Adam Helmer
04-17-2008, 07:37 PM
I do "Brake For Yard Sales" and I am amazed at all the old stuff I have gotten for cheap (less than $1.00) or a few dollars for each.

My last economic triumph occured last June when I stopped by a yard sale and paid $1.00 for an old cythe WITH cradle affixed thereon. On my way out of the driveway, I saw an old round whetstone arrangement with a seat gizmo for $5.00. I bought it and put it in my truck

I have an huge barn circa 1844 that is currently nearly empty below the hayloft floor. Last week a friend and his family toured my "historic" barn and when we got to the whetstone gizmo, he asked "What's that?" I said, IF Hillary or Obama gets elected, that stone will grind off some serial numbers.


04-18-2008, 07:27 PM
Think you are bad I know a guy who has over 300 iron skillets. He collects them.

P.S. I bought a flag at a garage sale the other day for $1.50 that only had 48 stars on it. I bet if they had counted the stars they might have asked a bit more.

04-19-2008, 07:30 AM
I don`t collect to much stuff, I just don`t have enough room to put it. I`ve only got 3 barns full, guess I`ll have to build another barn. ;)