View Full Version : Slug gun
04-23-2008, 09:52 AM
I have an 870 with a rifled 2 3/4" barrel and needless to say it kicks like a mule. I have installed a limbsaver pad that helps some. I have heard about ammo that helps out. I really dont intend to take a shot out past 100 yards and was wondering if any one has tried the ammo and what they would recommend. thanks
Aim to maim
04-23-2008, 10:49 AM
I'm not an expert on current slug ammo, but if someone out there is, it might help if you'd specify what ammo you're referring to.:confused:
04-23-2008, 12:49 PM
I had heard some where that i think federal had come up with some new ammo that knocked the recoil down a bit. I like the 870 it is a good brush gun and you can not use buckshot in tennessee.
04-23-2008, 02:11 PM
The reduced recoil ammo helps some but you really gve up quite a bit for a small reduction on recoil. The only way to really reduce recoil is to add weight to the gun..and let someone else sight it in. You really don't feel much recoil when shooting at game. LOL. Sighting is is the pain. Personally I would go to a gas auto..11-87. They still kick but not quite as bad
04-23-2008, 04:02 PM
The 870 does kick and 350 grain slugs at 1800 fps is going to hurt at the bench no matter what you do to contain the recoil. I use a foam pad when sighting in my 870.
If you are recoil sensitive try the reduced loads if you want. It's better accuracy wise than the old pumpkin ball slugs and an smoothbore barrel.
Like skeet said you are not going to feel it in the hunting woods just sighting it in.
I use the hornady SST slugs now and used to use the federal barnes expander slugs. Both hurt at the bench.
04-23-2008, 04:10 PM
I used to use half a bag of shot between the gun and me.. It really did work. I even used it when sighting in the 375 H&H. Love that gun...sure do kick(which I don't love.)
M.T. Pockets
04-23-2008, 04:41 PM
I've got the same gun that you do and I don't blame you for wanting to try something that kicks less. I wear a big "sissy pad" when I sight mine in, I'd much rather shoot my .300 Win. Mag than a 12 guage slug.
With the improvement in slugs in recent years like the controlled expansion sabot slugs, my next slug gun is going to be a semi-auto 20 guage with a rifled barrell. This will help the recoil and will likely be more deadly than the 12 guage shooting the fostor slugs I shoot now in my smoothbore.
04-23-2008, 09:16 PM
Just my opinion..You will be giving up a good deal going to the 20..even with the new sabots etc. I'd stay with a 12 and go to the sabots. In the right gun it can be a 200yd shooter. I have killed more than one deer that far with my rifled, sabot, scoped 11-87
04-23-2008, 10:08 PM
See if you can find mercury recoil reducers for the gun. I use one in the buttstock of my SBE all the time when hunting, and when I go to shoot slugs out of it I attach another one that is made to act like a magazine cap (i.e., it screws on where the magazine cap would normally screw on). I'm a big sissy when it comes to recoil, and I can tell you that those two recoil reducers help a ton. I can shoot slugs out of the SBE almost all day. Shot about 20 of them on the bench one day without any problem.
04-25-2008, 03:26 AM
Thanks for the info I will let you know how it goes
04-27-2008, 01:51 PM
you neer said what you are shooting i have the same gun you have and deer hunt with it.
The sabot rounds like the winchester supreams kick like mules but are worth it .
If you are not shooting no farther then 100 yards foster styl slugs are great and a lot easyer on the recoil and price.
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