View Full Version : Restoration project

04-27-2008, 10:42 AM
I just bought an older 870 wingmaster and am restoring it, but wholesale sports cheapest new barrel is 139.00 by the time I add the price for the stock it will be more than I originally paid. anyone know where to get cheap used barrels and socks still in good condition. Prefferably close to Saskatoon.

04-28-2008, 10:47 AM
Gee, I think $139 sounds pretty resonable to me..

04-28-2008, 12:40 PM
Check ebay for a stock. I have a couple but they are for older guns. What kind of bbl are you looking for? I always have a few bbls laying around.. BTW 139 for a new bbl is cheap. What ya shoulda done was buy a used 870 express. Not real pretty but still an 870. They smooth up with use.:D ;)

04-28-2008, 05:04 PM
its actually a quite old gun, bbl i want a 28 or 26 in. mod. or full choke raised rib. Stock doesnt matter

04-28-2008, 09:24 PM
870 bbls I have now. 12 ga skeet VR 3" full VR and a 28In VR bbl with chokes(express finish)..oh and 2 slug bbls(rifled) one with sights the other with cantilever mounts 20 ga have an old standard frame skeet bbl and standard frame mod vent rib. 28 ga mod VR and skeet VR 410 skeet VR and full VR No 16's at all. Also have 1100 bbls and I have a 1100 Purbaugh conversion gun from 20 to 410. Gun do shoot but I really don't need it.

04-29-2008, 03:00 AM
Alot of local gun stores have 870 barrels here in Indiana around 80 bucks used. Sometimes you have to ask if they have any as there not always out on the rack.

08-02-2008, 01:19 AM
Unless the stock is cracked I would just re-finish it. I cleaned up a quite rusty 20 ga 870 last week for a friend. I used plastic pot scrubbers and slovent then the scrubber and oil to remove the surface rust. All that is left is very shallow marks which are hard to see unless looking for them . To remove the old stock finish I used acetone. Rub on, scrub off, again with pot scrubbers and then "sand" with fine steel wool. This way I did not remove the original stain only the finish. I left a few srcatches and small dents as my idea was not to make the gun look new but rather a clean example of a gun of its age. For a new finsish I applied several coats of Watco Danish Oil. This is an oil/varnish finish available in several shades. I like the fruitwood one best. Even though some say the Watco is not water proof enough I have several stocks i have done with this product and they stand up well. The Danish oil penetrates well and buffing the final coats with an old wool sock brings out a glow from the wood without a plastic appearing finish. In the past I have applied it to stocks which were later cut down and the finish is quite deep into the wood. It is supposed to polymerise with the wood. One nice thing about the finish is any new scratches need only a new coat for touch up.

08-03-2008, 11:35 AM
check the gun auction sites or numric arms the problim is were you are sending gun parts threw the mail.
I have seen barrels here for as little as 75 dollers .
I have a 870 express that i deer hunt with i have lost count of the deer i have killed with it.
I paid 175 for this gun new and i have beat it up hard i have got it soaking wet for days on end swelled the stock so it took the gun appart oiled it down and painted the stock flat blk.

08-04-2008, 09:00 PM
I have no trouble finding 870 barrels around here. I see several at every gun show I go to, but have no idea what it would take to ship a barrel acrossed the border.

09-03-2008, 08:04 PM
i dinnt say but the bbl is a short rifled one:( , but one of my friend's gunsmith connections is gettin one for me. the stock was cracked:( but am probaly getting a new one from cabelas.:)

:) Minihuntur:mad:

09-03-2008, 09:20 PM
Just remember that you can't import a rifle/shotgun barrel into Canada without a import permit.. its a pain in the butt...

09-03-2008, 09:58 PM
Heck I had a guy sold me a Perazzi(bbl 0nly on the auction) on ebay one time and sent it to me in the mail in 3 packages..bbl, stock and forend and receiver. Didn't have to pay for it till I got it all...and I did just fine. He was from Edmonton Alberta IIRC

09-04-2008, 09:01 PM
skeet, i think its easier to go to the US than into canada, toxic, cabelas is now in winnipeg, man. so over the border aint a prob.:cool: btw i will be slug hunting this year most likely.

09-04-2008, 10:26 PM
Skeet, going down is much easier than coming up...

And Mini, if you are buying from a store in Canada you are golden, if trying to bring up fromt he US direct, good luck...

I really wish I could.. I want some .22 Win Auto ammo... I can't find any up here... only down south... :(

09-10-2008, 09:10 PM
heck, I'm proboaly getting a mossberg maveric tomorrow any way!

09-11-2008, 09:51 PM
Got my mossy, geese, here I come!