05-01-2008, 09:17 AM
Well I got the marbles front and rear sights on her earlier this year, but have not had a chance to shoot her with them yet. With the old sights she was shooting a dimed size group at 25 yards with Remmy or Winchester shorts. And about a quarter sized group with thunderbolts. It absolutely hates Stingers or Velocitors. Thinking about trying some subsonics with it and see how it does. The barrel is pitted badly on the outside, but the bore is beautiful, and with the old sights she shot consistantly to the left. About an inch to the left at 25 yards, and about 2 1/2 inches left at 50 yards. We will see how the new sights do as I am about to start 22 plinkin again.
Anybody got any good ammo suggestions for this old gun? Doesn't appear she likes the faster stuff at all, and I don't know much of what to look for in the slower stuff.
Anybody got any good ammo suggestions for this old gun? Doesn't appear she likes the faster stuff at all, and I don't know much of what to look for in the slower stuff.