View Full Version : Been that Long ????

Dan Morris
05-18-2008, 08:03 AM
On this day in 1964, a Texas kid got off a T&P Railroad train in
Leesville, La to enter USArmy Basic at Ft Polk. Boy, the water under the bridge since then!!!!Hard to believe thats been 44 years!
Had some good times and some bad. Wish I'd a kept up with
more of the kids than I did....kinda wonder what became of more of them.


Aim to maim
05-18-2008, 11:58 AM
Interesting how the anniversary dates of life-changing events stay with us. I have one of my own coming up soon.

Yesterday was Armed Forces day, little-noted by most of our countrymen. Thank you for your service to our Nation that commenced 44 years ago today.

Dan Morris
05-18-2008, 04:58 PM
Thanks for the comment, a lot of folks on this board deserve the same!Funny, it wasn't real popular to be in in those days............


05-19-2008, 05:15 AM
Thanks for your service Dan. You're about 10 years and 1 month ahead of me, Waidmannsheil, Dom.

05-19-2008, 06:04 AM
Thanks to ALL the HC guys who served and are serving our country!
BTW Dan, I am now having the "couple years ago" syndrome.
Yer tellin a story or somethin, "aww...a couple years ago gas was under a dollar a gallon...."
when in actuality, it was 15 years ago! LOL
Good Lordy, where does the time go.

Adam Helmer
05-19-2008, 09:53 AM
Dan Morris,

On August 28, 1962, Gil Martin and I arrived at the 3701 BMTS Squadron in Lackland, TX. We were in barracks 5556. We left in October 1962 and were sent to Chanute, Il for tech school and then on to Lowry in Denver.

On August 26, 1966 we were discharged and went home to Chester Springs, PA. I now reside in northcentral PA. The world sure has turned many times over since my boot camp days.

Thanks for the great post.


Dan Morris
05-19-2008, 11:28 AM
I too salute ALL of the members that have served and are serving!!!!I wasn't trying to start a trend, it was simply a remembrance at the moment!

05-19-2008, 07:25 PM
I know that all of you that have been around here for at least a year rember Rocky Racoon. Well keep him in your praiers now, because he is in the Middle East surving his country right not. I rember when he started posting on this board as a school boy. :rolleyes: Time flys when your haveing fun, so I hope he`s haveing fun and looking forward to hunting with him this fall.