View Full Version : Hello Wyoming

Dan Morris
05-22-2008, 05:32 PM
Skeet/ GSP....just checking on folks...all the tornadoes seem to
between us!!!!!Cannot get an answer on phone in Laramie....we got a lotta people in Wy!!!!

Also, kinda wondering about Northern Colorado members.....

Rocky Raab
05-22-2008, 06:06 PM
It was a big one - just east of Ft Collins. One dead reported so far.

First details...

More, with pictures...

Dan Morris
05-22-2008, 06:15 PM
Finally got my guy in Laramie....by repeater...was bout 4 blocks east of him....shook but ok!!!!

05-22-2008, 07:50 PM
No tornados up this way. We have had some weather though. Thunderboomers lot of lightning especially last night. Rain started yesterday about 1700 hrs and is still going pretty good. We have had twice as much rain as we have had all year so far...and it is raing pretty hard now. Wind be blowing too. It was blowing at least 40-50 for a while. Hope y'all are ok down south a bit

05-23-2008, 10:09 AM
Nothing in Western So. Dak. but the rain moved in heavy yesterday and some flooding is starting now. Toooooooo darn cold for the spinners I think.

06-03-2008, 08:28 AM
Sorry Dan haven't been on in a while. Everyone is ok here, so far, but we have had a few up here. Walked out of the shop yesterday and seen three of them hanging right above us. None of them ever touched down. Had one a few minutes later that did touch down. Took part of the house where my Granddaughter used to live. Glad she moved now. I have seen more tornadoes this year then all the years that I've lived here.

Dan Morris
06-03-2008, 08:48 AM
Glad we are all safe, my associate in Laramie had never seen one before.......his only comment was " Keep those dang things down there"....sorry for those that were not as lucky!

Mil Dot
06-03-2008, 09:15 AM
Hey Folks,
A lot of folks pretty shook up around here, but extraordinarily thankful that the majority of the problems are property related as opposed to loss of life. The timing of the twister was good because kids weren't home and supervised by adults and folks were at work. I wasn't personally effectived by the storm but my work (Lowes) has been busy with the aftermathe. Windsor is about 10 minutes east of our location and bore the brunt of the devastation. Many of my fellow workers have friends and family that are dealing with the damage. You hear the stories of one home being devastated and the next being spared ... tornados are just so unpredictable. I haven't been over to Windsor as the authorities wanted to minimize extra traffic till electrical and roads can get under control.

The folks are resilient and working on recovery.
