View Full Version : What??? No varmints left???
05-26-2008, 07:03 PM
Been over a month since anyone posted here. I guess that everyone is haveing my luck. :( I haven`t shot at a froundhog yet this year. I seen the first 1 I`ve seen in weeks today, but didn`t have a gun. Haven`t seen a coyote in acouple of weeks eather, but I guess that don`t matter much since I have yet to kill my first 1 this year. Did pretty good untill the first of the year and since then I`ve missed acouple off hand shots that I thought I should have made, but it seem most of the time I see them when I don`t have a rifle of there is a house behind them. I took several running coyotes off hand last fall and the last one I got was running at 314 yrds. over the hood of my pick-up. I was on a roll last fall, but then I guess I gor run over.:(
05-27-2008, 04:39 AM
Not so sure if its bad luck or just good conservation practice.
This is the time when the young need the mothers and I think most sportsmen hold off the hunting for awhile.
05-27-2008, 01:49 PM
Well, I was raised on a farm and we hunted groundhogs hard early in the spring becaused we figured that every one we got early was 4 and they eat alot of our beans. Guess I did to good. :rolleyes: I still got some arould the building I need to get rid of, but they never seem to be out when I`m around, about to set traps.
05-27-2008, 02:07 PM
Farmers at home used to have me start shooting them about this time of the year. They ate the crap outta of the beans. They wanted 'em all gone...but even with a long shooter that was nigh on to impossible where I lived. When they took out all the hedgerows it sure did for them pretty permanent though:rolleyes: Got a minimum of a buck each to shoot 'em. Highest I ever got was 10 bucks for one. He was a real hog though. He ate over an acre of beans all by himself. He ate most at just barely can see and for 20 minutes in the evening. He even came out on a nice moon bright night...according to the farmer. Shot him at just slightly over 300 yds. Left a very thing groove in the mound where he came up. 1/2 inch lower he would have been least that time.:D
05-27-2008, 04:32 PM
I'll start hitting em mid to late June.
Skinny Shooter
05-28-2008, 10:16 AM
Was out scouting 3 farms last weekend and saw no groundhogs. Some fresh dirt but thats it.
There are three chucks living behind the forge but they're my "pets". :D
10-15-2008, 10:09 AM
Well guys and gals, what are the counts for the Whistle Pig this year. I had a good year, got 9 this past Saturday and that last one made it 155 for me. Used 4 different rifles, close was 2 yds., far was 764 yds..
"Groundhog , the other White Meat"
10-16-2008, 05:39 AM
I`m all the way up to 3. Shot 2 that where digging under barns and 1 that climbed a tree when I pulled into my brothers place the other day. :rolleyes: Not a good move on her part.
02-03-2009, 10:16 AM
its spring already?.
hmmmmm its but cold and weve been getn pounded by snow storm after storm. weve had about week break from snow, now theres snow called for thrusday through sunday. it realy is getn gloomy around here. we havent seen this much snow in along time.
im ready for this spring you guys are speaking of.
Ridge Runner
02-03-2009, 04:25 PM
well got my 6.5 tuned in to 1000 yards, but not too optimistic, since the coyotes showed up here, all the chucks you see are on the shoulder of the roads denning in culverts. the wide open river bottom fields are vacant unless ya wanna shoot at crows.
02-03-2009, 11:36 PM
its spring already?.
hmmmmm its but cold and weve been getn pounded by snow storm after storm. weve had about week break from snow, now theres snow called for thrusday through sunday. it realy is getn gloomy around here. we havent seen this much snow in along time.
im ready for this spring you guys are speaking of.
Oh Yeah..It's Al Gore's global warming at work..more cold and snow is a harbinger of DOOM... Waaayyy too much global warn=ming. We've had snow on the ground for a month and a half. Warmed up now...they are calling for ??Rain??
02-04-2009, 01:01 AM
i know exackly ow you feel. i hadnt had spring thought in my head yet. we have lots of snow on the ground. still forcasting snow thursday to sunday grrrrrrrrr. highs in the 30s lows in the teens, spring seems along ways off.
02-04-2009, 02:10 AM
Lookin forward to some ghog shootin!
02-04-2009, 11:29 AM
I am looking forward to coyotes this spring. Hope I get to take the new VTR and show em how its done.
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