View Full Version : New Woodsman Disassembly / Reassembly?

06-03-2008, 01:50 AM
Found a nice (97-98%) Colt Woodsman at a recent gun show here in Houston. It's not perfect, but is in very nice shape. I did shoot 200 rounds of MiniMags through it and it functioned flawlessly. It came with a crisp 2 1/2 lb. trigger and I am happy with it.

It wasn't really very dirty, but I figured a detailed cleaning was in order. I had original Colt disassembly / reassembly instructions that I downloaded off the internet. After about 3-4 hours of struggle, I finally did get the #$%^& thing back together. I won't be looking forward to stripping that Woodsman down again (though I will do it when needed).

I'm now just happy that the pistol functions well, is accurate, and most importantly, is back together, LOL. :D :D :D


Adam Helmer
06-03-2008, 06:10 PM

I am glad you got a classic pistol and got it back together. I like to field stip and occasionally detail strip my guns to do a proper cleaning.

I detail stripped my Browning Sweet16 ONCE and got it back together and know enough to never do that again! I hunt with it on sunny days and carry the 870 in the rain for grouse.

Enjoy a fine pistol.
