View Full Version : What are they worth

06-04-2008, 10:11 AM
I have a Colt model 1911 government 45.auto. I saw one priced at $900,is that high end or what. Dont know much about them so any help would be nice thankyou.

06-04-2008, 10:50 AM
1911s come in all flavors and all values. 900 bucks is somewhat high for a standard military WWII gun but it is all relative. I have an auto ordnance that is worth maybe 400 bucks and an old WWI 1918 Colt that is worth quite a bit more. I also have a really nice Wilson Combat model that cost in excess of 2000 bucks. Are they worth that?? Not really but it sure is fun shooting 'em. In the value of guns...condition is everything.
BTW Welcome to the board.

Adam Helmer
06-04-2008, 03:03 PM

Welcome to the Forum.

It depends on what you have. I saw a Colt, blued, that was made in 1917 in ecxcellent condition that sold for $3,500.00. Another in the range of 135xxx, made in 1916, that sold for $4,000.

If you have a GI M1911 in "as issued" condition, it may be worth more than $900.00.


06-04-2008, 03:46 PM
Also bear in mind that some people raise the price because it has colt on it and others buy it for the same reason. Doesn't always mean that it is worth what is being paid or asked for it. I had a guy try to sell me a 1970s colt 1911A1 and he wanted $850 for it and it beat up. Why? To quote him "Yea but this is a real colt man! They invented the 1911!" Now a person only midly knowledgeable might have bought that. My response was "John Browning invented the 1911, colt made them." He responded "Hell no! Colt invented them! Browning had nothing to do with it!" At this point he was getting irrate so I simply wished him good luck in his asking price and moved on. No reason I should be the one to prevent him from selling a beat up 70s colt for FAR more than its worth. At the same show a guy tried to sell me a VERY ragged Thompson 1911A1 for $800 because it had been "upgraded" He told me "It has ALL colt parts inside! You can't beat it!" I pointed out that alot of companies made better internal parts than colt. He looked at me like I had a third eyeball when I walked away.

There are more than a few of these at every gunshow. Buyer beware. On the flip side I have gotten MANY good deals at shows.

Now back to the point is it worth anything? If it is an old colt yes it may be. Have somebody who knows colts that you can trust to look at it.


Aim to maim
06-04-2008, 05:05 PM
Originally posted by ghunter
I have a Colt model 1911 government 45.auto. I saw one priced at $900,is that high end or what. Dont know much about them so any help would be nice thankyou.

Welcome to the forum. Please do not take this the wrong way, but your question is somewhat like "I have a Chevrolet two-door automobile with a V8 engine. What's it worth?" No firearm can be accurately evaluated sight unseen, but to even get close, far more info is necessary. Every marking, condition, finish, grips and serial # would be good to start. A photo would be most helpful as well. I'm not one of the 1911 experts on here, but there are others who may be able to help.

(On the serial #, substitute "x's" for the last two or three digits)

Adam Helmer
06-05-2008, 10:26 AM
Aim to maim,

Excellent point on Xs for the last 2 or 3 digits of posted serial numbers. This is an open Forum and we need to be careful of our privacy issues.

I often modify full serial numbers to the last three Xs for that reason.
