View Full Version : Just Dogin It.

06-29-2008, 02:00 PM
Had a real good day for dogin it yestrday - 6/28- near Rawlins.
Almost no wind, lots of sun, and lots of dogs: both mature and pups. My son, my son-in-law, and I on a control shoot for a rancher. Shooting a .204 Ruger on a Howa barreled action, a Rock River AR-15 in .223 Rem., A Remington 700 in .22-250 Rem., Ruger 77/22 in 22 RF , and my pet, a 20/223 AI on a Sako L461 action barreled with a Shilen SS barrel. Using 32gr. Sierra Blitzking in the .204, 32gr. Hornady V-Max(moly) in the .20 AI, 52gr. Sierra HPBT in the .223 and 22-250, Winchester Power-point in the 22 RF. Shot maybe around 180-200 critters from 9am to 2:30pm shooting over the hood with sand bags. I showed the young guys this old boy could still shoot them as far as they could point them out. My little 20 really shoots. The Ruger 77/22 was for yearlings at close range and it got a workout. We had Colas and sandwiches at noon and bottled water in between. No beers because we just don't until after the shooting is over. Great time
because of the great company. My son and son-in-law are both excellent shots (naturally) and we didn't waste a lot of bullets. I would certainly recommend a .204 Ruger, or 20 caliber wildcat if you want to have a serious varmint hunt.:D

06-29-2008, 03:17 PM
Glad ya had a good day out with family! :)

06-29-2008, 08:22 PM
Swift, I have one in the vault. I love the Swift, and as a result, protect it more than I should. It is a Rem 700 Classic with a Leupold 12X on top. The gun shoots really fine. The .22-250 Rem I had along for the trip is also a Rem 700 Classic. Even though it also shoots very well, it is scheduled for a new barrel to make it into a quasi Remington Varmint Special. A new Shilen #5 hand lapped barrel chambered in .22-250 AI will really make it a close equal to the Swift. I have another .22-250 in a Ruger No.-1B and I just don't like having two rifles in the same caliber because I have to keep the brass separate since I like to neck size. I feel I get better accuracy if I neck size. Another reason to AI the chamber is so I don't have to trim as often. The standard does stretch.
But, all that said, yes the Swift is still king (but those little 20s aren't far behind).:)

04-18-2009, 08:52 PM
We always wait until the guns are cleaned and put away before we pop a top too.

04-19-2009, 06:12 PM
Larry, If you like Wildcats try a .17 AH for your PD`s. I have one that likes the Calhoon 19 gr. bullets. With 10.4 gr. of H-4227 it get 3,600 fps. and is point blank to 280 yrds. or alittle more.

06-06-2010, 08:45 PM
Well, June 6th and it was "D-day" for some p-dogs. Son and I decided it was time to take inventory of an area we shot over about 7 years ago. We took my Rigby breakopen in .22 Hornet and my Ruger No. 1B in 22-250, my son's .204 Ruger and .222 Remington. A few of the shots were close and the Hornet got some exercise but most of the others were about 300 yds. The .204 and 22-250 shoot side by side at that range with .32 gr. Sierras in the 204 and 52 gr. Sierras in the 22-250. We intentionally do an inventory as we drive into a shooting area and try to make sure we only shoot about half of what we see. We want to leave seed so we always have some to come back for. A year ago there apparently was some kind of a die-off and some of the landowners I talked to said the dogs just disappeared lasst year. We leave those areas alone so they can be repopulated from adjacent areas. More shooting later. Had a really good time with my son.