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07-04-2008, 02:25 PM
Is he trying to give this girl a black eye?

07-04-2008, 04:09 PM
Indeed..... :)

Aim to maim
07-04-2008, 06:44 PM
Forgive my elitist attitude, but just more evidence that not one person in a 100, even among competent shooters, has a clue regarding how to properly instruct novices in firearms handling, safety and marksmanship.

07-04-2008, 11:20 PM
little miss cutie is really gonna think big strong man is attractive when she pulls the trigger and gets popped in the face cause he doesn't know what he's doing. and i also like the genius that is standing down range granted he is serveral feet to the left but still down range

07-05-2008, 12:11 AM
There are not enough electrons, neutrons to point out all the mistakes and unsafe practices in this photo.

It should be a poster child for stupidity.

Mr. Studley, the improvised instructor, should be kicked in the crotch.


07-05-2008, 01:14 AM
And in order that she be able to continue to enjoy these fruits of freedom on the This Great Day ... the 4Th of July.. our day of INDEPENDANCE......

A very good day indeed.
The day our country took seed.
We hope that we'll find someone to lead
And one who's not motivated by greed

We're blessed here all amongst friends
A bright sun shining to all of lands ends
We hunt dark forests and lush green glens
A day to escape all that pretends

Remember that freedom is something to fear
To those who hold that nothing is dear
Beware my friends of who's identity's not clear
A White Knight in office is something to cheer

07-05-2008, 01:17 AM
Yup , just can "see" one retard down range....

07-05-2008, 01:48 AM
Thats a .223 watch this idiot

07-05-2008, 12:30 PM
Honestly, I am hoping that the picture was taken as the guy was grabbing the butt stock to push it forward and onto the girl's shoulder.

As far as the You Tube video is concerned, that guy is a moron. However, some men would prefer that their significant other not enjoy the sport so that they can have their alone time from their significant other. I heard a shotgun story where this girl wanted to shoot clays with her boyfriend, but the boyfriend didn't want her to come along. So, to satisfy her curiosity and make sure she never wanted to go again, he started her out with a 12 gauge with extremely hot loads (e.g., handicap and high brass).

Me, I would prefer that my wife like hunting, shooting, fishing, and road cycling, but so far fishing, mountain biking on asphalt trails, and a little clay shooting is all that I can get her to do. Ultimately, I am fine with that because I do not want her to do anything she doesn't want to do. However, if she wants to try a rifle at the range, you can bet she will be starting with a .22 lr and for a shotgun it will be a .410 or 28 gauge, and for a handgun it will be .25 or just slightly larger.

We should want as many people as possible supporting the sport and not scared of guns, but I guess there will always be morons out there.

07-05-2008, 09:56 PM
Starting someone with a .410 or 28 gauge isn't going to instill any enthusiasm unless they are natural shooters. There is nothing more foolish than to frustrate especially young shooters because one thinks a .410 has less kick.... it's also got less shot.

Far better to use a low base 12 or load your own for mild shooting
for kids or your wife or significant other.

Aloha... :cool:

07-06-2008, 09:31 AM
I used a .410 as my first shotgun, and mostly shot at clay pigeons sitting on tree trunks and birds on a wife. The .410 was great, because it had a lot more chance of hitting something than a .22. Now, trying to shoot something out of the air was a completely different story.

The 28 gauge isn't that bad of a gun to use for target shooting, as long as the targets are thrown close in and a wide choke is used. Obviously, the larger the gauge, the better chance for success, but the more pounding the shooter will take. Both of my sisters shoot my 20 gauge Beretta 391 just fine. Granted, they don't post the same scores as me, but most of the guys shooting 12 gauges, with the exception of Skeet, don't post the same scores as me.

I ended up getting on You Tube yesterday to watch the video above, and watched a couple more videos of women shooting. Honestly, the guys teaching them to shoot were morons. One girl ended up with a broken nose. Another had the scope hit her so hard in the forehead that she was bleeding profusely. One had a hand gun come back and hit her in the face.

Then, there were the videos of completely stupid people that shot themselves in the foot, that had shotguns go off when they didn't mean for them to, and there was even one of this kid looking down a fireworks mortar when it went off and bounced off his forehead. Utterly brilliant people.

07-06-2008, 10:41 AM
I have done quite a bit of it and must say that a 410 is not the best to use. I almost always used a 28 ga though. Most of it was short range shooting at clay targets and can say that it worked almost perfectly. With the right instruction the 28 will do just fine for almost all upland shooting. As for the 12 ga for a new shooter...no way. even loaded down it isn't the one to use. After some experience maybe. In fact even the 20 ga has a bit more recoil than necessary. I found that for new shooters the less recoil felt is an absolute plus. So don't use a light 12 or 20. In handguns use a full size pistol or revolver in 9mm or 38 special. a rifle..of course use a 22 to start. Oh...and GOOD hearing protection. I found that most women flinch not from recoil...but from the sound of the gun going off. Most are scared of noise:confused: Don't know why but noise scares 'em. I taught my wife to shoot. After all this time she still has a good 44 mag handgun that is her favorite. For a snake gun she carries a single action 45 with shot. Short bbled one but she surely isn't scared of it even if it do make a lot of noise. If she needs a shotgun thee is a 20 close to hand and as far as a rifle the Savage 340 in 30-30 is the one she has in the corner. Even it has a slip on recoil pad on it as does the 20. A couple of the ladies I instructed go to England and Europe. Shoot driven birds and one usually outshoots the male contingent. Proud of that lady for sure. Proud of 'em all. One is fully capable of outshooting most men...but chooses not to for purely personal reasons....y'all know what I mean.

07-06-2008, 04:35 PM
In teaching Hunter Safety, I think the 20 gauge, in an "appropriately sized" shotgun is the way to go for teaching shotgun shooting. I used to have a Winchester Model 37 "Youth Model" that came with a shotened stock and shorter, modified choke barrel. My son learned to shoot with it and then I used it for several years on the younger shooters. One of the fathers talked me out of it with a large donation of the "coin of the realm".
Wish I still had it.
A 20 gauge may kick a little more than a .410 but it isn't noticable if the shooter is hitting the targets. It is amazing how hitting the target erases the pain of recoil. The ear plugs also help, and of course a fresh, soft recoil pad.

Bret Andrysiak
07-06-2008, 05:02 PM
I want to know where the guy in the white tee shirt got those "high tech" hearing protectors.

07-06-2008, 09:10 PM
I beg do differ with several of you about the 12 ga. Loaded down and properly fitting the woman or child, your versatility with the 12 ga vastly exceeds all of the others.

The 20 ga is a great gun for kids and women, but only if properly fit, but still doesn't give the versatility and benefits of a 12 IN MY OPINION.

Aloha... :cool:

07-06-2008, 11:31 PM
Larry... to the average shooter the 20 ga may be a good starter. But if ya think the 20 doesn't kick much more than the 410...try shooting either with the butt of the gun against your forehead...or your chin. I've done it and the 410 surely is a pussycat..the 20 ga hurts. As far as starting a woman or kid with a 12...it really isn't a very good idea...even if the darn thing is loaded down to 7/8 oz loads...even slow loads. The problem with any of these suggestions is what happens if they get a chance to shoot without your "light" loads...or with a gun that really doesn't "fit" as well as it should. Finding a gun that "fits" is a problem in and of itself. I had an 1100 28 ga that I had 3 different length stocks and each had at least 3 recoil pads that were fit to the stocks. Usually got it pretty close for them. Also had a 20 ga 100 similarly set up. Some women could handle the recoil of a 20...especially after getting the basics in hand.. In fact most usually went to the 20 after a while. A couple even went to the 12. One lady shot the 12 just fine in the field. She made quite a few trips out to the Dakotas for pheasant and ducks. But when practicing...she shot the 20...or the 28. Even 1 oz 12's hurt her when practicing. When shooting at game she told me that she didn't even feel the gun go off. As I don't when shooting at game.....except slugs...and that blasted 300 Weatherby Mag. Kicks worse than my 375 H&H. Before moving I bought one of the new 1100 Sporting guns. Still have it... hardly been shot. Still have 2 of the stocks too..just in case. With the right choke and load the 28 is still a 40 yd gun...in the right hands. The 12 is just not necessary on the teaching field IMO. Not starting an argument...just making a very informed observation. I got paid(very well) to teach...Oh...and just to let ya know..ol Fabs really ain't too bad with a scatter gun...or a rifle either for that matter. Now I think I am off to bed...er sumthin:D

07-07-2008, 03:44 AM
Hi Skeet..... :)

I'm not arguing with anyone. If you can teach someone easily with a 28 or 20 and they can master the firearm and be satisfied, then you've done your job. My wife shot with us at hunter ed class we were teaching and was very very frustrated till one of our instructors brought over a gun he had cut the stock on which fit her much better, a 20 ga. in this case. This was an over-under and heavier than the guns she had been shooting prior, but nonetheless much easier for her learn how to lead and shoot. In fact, her getting a double with it, really got her enthused.

Subsequently another bird hunter friend of mine had her shooting with a 12ga one time when they were down at the skeet range. That was also cut down for kids and women. He loaded up some lo base brass and 7/8 and 1 oz loads for her. These proved to be no problems for her whatsoever. As for shooting loads heavier loads by accident or otherwise, EVERYONE should know what the heck they are shooting, and if you're teaching them and they don't, why not and why are you there?

I'm not a bird hunter really, and don't know much about this stuff, but I teach people how to shoot my muzzleloader shotgun and that gun is about as recoiless as you'll find anywhere... White 6 groove straight rifled 12 ga. When they go to a "real" shotgun, they are very prepared and find them to be a piece of cake.

Aloha... :cool:

07-07-2008, 06:54 AM
I think I'm a bit different than most, but have shot all of those shotguns as a youngun.

If you start a kid or gal, start the poor thing on a gun he/she will actually hunt with and will actually kill somethin with. I can't tell yall how many of my sons friends stopped huntin for the simple reason that they couldnt hardly hit nothin with the gun. I've seen some 20 ga. guns that couldnt shoot a pattern 30 yrds from the barrel..no matter if it was 1's or 8's. Then I've seen em shoot 8's great and couldnt shoot buckshot.
I aint never seen a 410 shoot/kill anythin past 30 yards...
point bein...a kid or gf will lose patience and interest if they are forced to learn on a gun that wont do them nary an ounce of good when they hit the field/range except not make them cringe at the noise and kick.
If they are that mortified of noise/kick than they pose a danger to themselves and others as far as I'm concerned. They need confidence to handle a gun. Sure it's ok to be scared/nervous at first...but there's a big difference tween nervous and mortified.

I started out on a 16 dbl brl fox. I wanted to learn to shoot, so if my Pop was to hand me a bazooka I woulda tried it lol
He told me..." this here is gonna kick. but dont be scared of it, cause when you see that target in front of you and you focus on it, you wont feel a thing."
He was right and I was shootin a 12 in no time. My son started out the same way. I can honestly say that he can ALMOST outshoot his mama with her own 12 ga Winchester.....notice I say...almost ;) :D

07-07-2008, 08:43 AM
You darlin are a real trip. You ae of course also right. If they want to learn to shoot..A bazooka ain't anywhere near too big.:D

07-07-2008, 01:01 PM
skeet, Shooting with the shotgun against your forehead. Now I know what is wrong with you!:D The reason why I never tried the 28 gauge is simple: I never had one. I tried to buy a Model 12 from a friend who had one in 28 when we were in high school, but he would always tell me he couldn't because his Dad gave it to him. Well, his dad died and I didn't ask. He traded it to a guy in SD for a Winchester lever action in .405. He has a collection of the old lever actions.
Anyhow, don't shoot a 10 gauge agaist your forehead. It may give you terminal migraine.;)

07-07-2008, 02:15 PM
More than anything that is a metaphor. Any thinking person won't shoot a shotgun with the but on their forehead. It would literally hurt...other than the little 410 of course. But In teaching i regularly put my chin on top of the stock just to show students that you can break the target from wherever you put your face...as long as you do it the same way everytime and just LOOK at the TARGET. I don't shoot the 12 ga too awful much anymore. Just too much recoil. Didn't say I couldn't...just said I don't have to shoot it. After a million or so shells recoil does accumulate. After all those 12 ga shells I am surprised I can still shoot it. To give you a case in point about light 12 ga loads A fellow here in Cody loads 7/8 oz 12 ga loads..mainly for cost savings and recoil reduction. Shot a couple of his "light" loads in a nice fairly heavy 12 double...pretty gun...but holy crap. They weren't light. They kicked a lot harder than my 20 ga 1200 FPS loads. Chrono'd 2 of those shells and they were pushing 1450 FPS. He was really doing his granddaughter a favor teaching her to shoot with that gun and loads. No wonder he couldn't shoot it either. I got his loader set up with a nice 7/8 oz load at 1155 fps and now he can shoot that gun. He ran his first 25 with that gun and load just yesterday..after about 8 months of trying. His granddaughter had a little trouble holding up my Krieghoff but could actually break targets with it...in 28 ga. She'll be back in August...and I am already set up to give her a few lessons. And giving gramps a few lessons in loading too.

A case in point about shotshell loaders(people). I sold shooting stuff for over 35 yrs. One out of 10 shotshell loaders had a powder scale. Seriously..1 of 10. They all took it for granted that the bushings threw what the chart said. Sure they do...every time!:rolleyes: Oh and Red and Green Dot are just alike and 700X is a great 28 ga powder...and...oh y'all get it.

07-07-2008, 05:05 PM
skeet, I don't know how many I have shot (12ga, 11/8 oz.) but it has been a bunch. I started shooting 1 oz. a few years ago because it didn't seem I needed all that shot for 16yds. Then I tried 7/8 oz. in the 12 ga. because I was using 7/8oz. in the 20 gauge on clays and did just fine. I decided to get more serious about the 7/8oz loads when shot went up in price. I had tried 7/8oz for skeet and it was fine. I have tried it on 16yd. trap and the results are okay. Just shoot a little faster and use the full choke.
I am an old .410 fan. I used to shoot one as a kid and then came back to a Winchester Model 42 as an adult. Yes, there are times it is outgunned. It isn't a duck or goose gun. But it does quite well on pheasants and quail if you get right on them. I have also been known to put a set of tubes in the Beretta and shoot .410 at skeet. it is fun.
I learned a long time ago to test the powder weight when I changed bushings. They don't always throw what the chart says.
I am a great believer in weighing powder chargesfor the rifles and checking what goes into a shotgun shell.

07-07-2008, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by rattus58
Hi Skeet..... :)

He loaded up some lo base brass and 7/8 and 1 oz loads for her. , EVERYONE should know what the heck they are shooting, and if you're teaching them and they don't, why not and why are you there?


Rattus...I am not talking about what is happening when I am teaching. I can also tell that you aren't big into shotshell reloading . What I worry about with the young and the women is someone doing the dirty deed when I happen to not be there. Like the guy giving his granddaughter 1450 FPS reloads. Not everybody is as cognizant about what women and kids should shoot...and many could care less. I have heard guys laughing about how the gun was kicking women. Luckily I had a very good shooter teach me all those years ago. He knew that a 10 yr old couldn't handle a full size 12 ga and really learn. He taught me right...and I attempt to teach others in the same way. I bought my first Model 12 at the age of 11...and he cut the stock to fit me....it still kicked He also made me shoot the lightest loads available at the time. But he taught me with a 28 and a 20....and a model 42 410 which at first was frustrating. He made me hunt quail with the 28 ga! I had a lot of good instructors as a kid..Not all just about shooting..a lot to do with safety. I really didn't like hearing about safety all the time...but when the men I shot with formed a trap club...by the bylaws I was the only person under 18 allowed to be a member... I was 13. I musta done somethin right. I was really proud. When I started to shoot skeet I was taught at first by an older gentleman who taught skeet shooting to many Hollywood stars. He was an All-American skeet shooter...and he still pushed that safety thing all the time...and I had to learn to shoot skeet with a 20 ga..model 12 in fact. He had a 5 gun M-12-42 set...which I later bought from his son after his death. I'm not the greatest shot in the world...but I do know how to teach shooting. At least with a shotgun

07-08-2008, 02:18 AM
Hi Skeet.... :)

Well I always considered the shooting sports to be an adult sport.

Anyone who is dealing with someone who is not skilled in shooting, has no business monkeying around for "kicks" for any number of reasons, not the least of which is safety, and teaching proper habits so one does not have an unfortunate experience in the instant or future. I try my best to hang with a responsible crowd who love their kids and those others we work with. I haven't run into the types depicted here or on YouTube.

Aloha... Tom :cool:

07-08-2008, 12:39 PM
Originally posted by rattus58
. I haven't run into the types depicted here or on YouTube.

Aloha... Tom :cool: [/B]

Tom I'm sorry that you haven't had the chance to be around these types of people. You've really missed some of the best parts of life:rolleyes: :D :D :D Remember...many of these types are receiving the Darwin awards regularly. Why?? Well they just NEED to get that award! Just like ol Bubba saying..Hold my Beer...watch this! Famous last words

07-08-2008, 03:46 PM
Skeet, Your last reply pushed a couple of my buttons. Nothing negative, far from it. I had a fellow that was in his late 80's giveing me skeet shooting lessons. He had been in the Army Air Corp in WW2 and laughed about his job. He was an officer and was assigned to fly around to the different bases to set up skeet ranges and teach the bomber gunners to shoot skeet so they would do better at shooting down German fighters. He was a heck of a skeet shooter even at 86yrs. He told me he shot enough skeet he could probably hit them with his eyes closed. He passed away about 3 years ago and bequeathed a couple of his rifles to me. A really fine fellow.
The other thing was talking about Model 12s. I just got one off of Trapshooter.com. I had been lookintg for a 16 gauge with 28" barrel with modified choke that I could build up with a rib and new wood for a personal field gun. What I found is what I wanted to end up with, but now it is complete and all I have to do is get some shells. That 16 is the best balanced of the Model 12s. I am going to give some pheasants and quail some grief this fall. You are the man if you have the set including the 28 gauge.

07-08-2008, 05:24 PM
I no longer have that set. but I do have a complete set of skeet guns in M-12's and 42's Have 2 28's plus one of the Browning sets. The 28 ga M-12 never worked as well as it should have. None of them..even the Browning. In a hundred targets I would almost always have a shell foulup of some sort. Never the same thing twice. But the root cause is the fact that the 28 is built on the 16 ga frame and after all mods it just had a few dimensional discrepancies. So you just got used to the foulups and got along with the round of skeet. The matched pair of 870's I have are about as reliable as any 870 ever could be..but they are kinda hard to shoot consistently...as are the 1100's. Just too small and light. I do have a Purbaugh conversion form standard 1100 20 (12 ga frame) to 410. An easy gun to shoot and patterns very well. Best I ever broke in competition with it was a 99. I've had a few 100's with my Krieghoff with 410 tubes in it. Just so easy to shoot. Shot a 97 at a shoot in Cody bout 10 days ago. Darn 410 is so hard to shoot....but I love it! I happen to have a few 16 ga shells. Some pretty good ones too. Not the dove and quail junk that is about all you can buy now. Never had much use for the 16 myself. Just a lost in space gauge. Oh...I had a few old skeet shooting friends that shot and taught skeet during WWII. They all thought they had it made

07-08-2008, 06:05 PM
That I happen to have 2 M-12 Trap guns. One is a first year milled vent rib gun(1919) and the other is a solid Rib trap gun that I got at an auction in Cody last year(250 bucks)...and I still have that ol 12 ga I got so many years ago. It sure do be very well used and a little ugly. It has had over 400 thousand shells through it since I acquired it. I have also acquired over the years 2 other front ends ..one in 26 "IC choke and a 30" Full choke..original gun was 28" mod. According to the serial it is a first year 12 ga(1915). First year or 2 they only made 20's ......and a few 16's I have been told. I have had a thing for M-12's over the years. Bought and paid for my first house years ago with the money from selling a bunch of M-12's:rolleyes: But it WAS worth it...I guess!:D

07-08-2008, 06:49 PM
Originally posted by fabsroman
I used a .410 as my first shotgun, and mostly shot at clay pigeons sitting on tree trunks and birds on a wife.

I miss my EX-wife but my aim is getting better.

07-08-2008, 07:04 PM
Somebody else was gonna catch that!! That is why I left it alone. Good catch JM

07-08-2008, 08:55 PM
Hey, those birds just wouldn't leave my wife alone. Luckily, not a pellet hit my wife.

Obviously, it was supposed to be "wire" and not "wife". Funny how the "f" and "r" are right next to each other on the keyboard. I barely have time to proof read work stuff, so I rarely proof read chat board stuff.

Good catch though. Worth a good laugh until my wire, I mean wife, sees it.

Tall Shadow
07-09-2008, 02:54 PM
I just wanted to input my little $.02 worth, on the Original picture.

Knowing a little about the AR-15 rifle....my first thought was that this rifle >Might< have a dedicated .22 "Upper" on it, or be shooting one of the .22 conversion kits.

I can not tell from the picture (and I doubt that it is), but there is that possibility.

The fact that none of them is wearing eye protection, and from what I can see, little to no ear protection......

Well!.....Lets just say that I agree with the other poster's assessment of "Mr. Instructor" and say that he wouldn't be doing anything like that anywhere near me Or mine.

He & his are Truly the type of people who give our "Sport" a bad name.

Tall Shadow

07-10-2008, 07:44 AM
I can see this from the video of the semi handgun...That girl and everyone around her is lucky as all get out the thing didn't fire another round while pointed back at her head and they are also lucky the girl had enough smarts that even after taking the hit to the face, she had enough sense to keep it pointed downrange...it don't take much to fire the second round....whew..but these all remind me of the quick story we had here in W.Pa gamelands when a punk took his 3 friends out to woods to target shoot. He turned and shot one girl with a shotgun and his reason...I just wanted to see what it felt like to kill someone....They are from ohio and came to Pa gamelands to shoot....teens.

07-11-2008, 01:42 AM
"I just wanted to see what it felt like to kill someone...."

Is that what the moron actually said. I guess I don't find it too hard to believe nowadays. Natural selection just isn't getting the job done anymore. Did he at least get convicted and sentenced to death? I cannot imagine what it would feel like to be the parents of the girl that was killed.

07-11-2008, 08:43 AM
Yes he said just that. He was treated as a 17 year old 'child' .... Not death..just few years then maybe parole....I can't hunt that area of the gamelands anymore ...sad to even pass it. We just need to eliminate that kind. Just last night I had to get out of bed because the scanner said a blue s-10 was running around with someone with a ball bat and smashing truck windows...they were last seen 8 blocks from here so I had to go out...watch...sure am glad I am moving....yeee ha..then again, I had to visit a neighbor kid out that way a few years ago...seems he was snooping around my boats and campers...they sit in middle of a 2acre field..I think he had his eye on the dune buggy.....he said he was gathering his golf balls his buddies tossed out car window....can't even lie well to me or the police.....lmao....but I told him he never wants to get caught any where near the place again....wont be good....

07-11-2008, 06:16 PM
Crime is only going to get worse with a bad economy. I'll have a couple new guns by the end of the year, in black and green and starting with AR. I'm just trying to figure out where to get them from.

07-13-2008, 07:09 PM
Skeeter, Perhaps the state should give the young man an opportunity to experience the ultimate feeling- his own death.
He probably knew they would consider him a baby since he was "only 17". Maybe they could put him in front of a column in Iraq to stomp for IEDs.